
Road Session to hell and back


PC’s: Montgomery, Ronda, Hanna, Naal, Zak, Indr
DM: Rasz

It rained plagued blood everywhere we went.

Cast of Players:

Party: The group of people designated as being “responsible” for the safety of the workers.
-Felinous Feline…………………….. played by Hanna
-General Subordinate…………… played by Montgomery
-Fire Obsessed Swordmage….. played by Naal
-Reluctant General Director…. Played by Zak
-Silent but Punchy…………………. Played by Ronda
-Worried Medic……………………… Played by Indr

The Crew: The actual people responsible for clearing the road
-Only Named Guy……. Constantine
-Nearly Dead Guy……. Guy in a sleeping bag, maybe his name is stephen, he felt like a stephen
-Swarm Tokens……….. The Crew

Everyone Else: A mishmosh of extras and cameos that barely matter except for maybe one guy who was so mysterious he got put here too.
-Infected Bugs………… Grubs
-Infected Dogs………… Wolves
-Infected Men…………. Wraiths
-Anonymous Allies…. Bloodeye Clan Hobgoblins
-Floaty Howser………… Architect (mysterious man researching…. everything? that healed all of us, including the crew. DAREALMVP)


As Our Journey began…..

Named: Hey, idiots, one of my crew found a creepy dead body with a wonky arrow in it.
Feli: WHAT, that looks like a hob goblin, I’ll run back and tell the bloodeye runs a mile in a minute
General: I would command you to do something but I have found someone of higher rank to give me orders instead.
Allies: At the Bloodeye fortress Oh hey, a purrfect guest has returned.
Feli: Yes, there’s a criminal apaw, one of your guards was given the claw.
Allies: Oh dear, that is purpawstrous. Burn his body so no one gets an incation.
Medic: torches the body

The Plague Spreads

Bugs: We’re hungry, and stealthy, and infected with black blood. CHARGE
Nearly: ZZZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZZzzzzz Gets dragged away, sleeping bag and all
Swordmage: What’s that sound?
Feli: Woken up by the Swordmage THEY GOT A WORKER (listen, Dekker didn’t say a cat pun here so no cat puns)
Party: proceeds to nuke the bugs
Bugs: OW, PAIN HURTS, WHAT GIVES…. dies with minimal infection stuff
Medic: Burns more bodies and cleans up black goo

Way more Plague Spreading

Party: Where did these guys come from? Was it that giant open pit with disease leaking out of it?
Voice In The Sky: Nope, they came from a different direction but its totally the same sickness.
Men: Hey wait, this reference lacks fire….. Dies
Time for another day of road building

But in the end, the plague vanished, with a mountain of the dead

Dogs: Those workers looks yummy, and infectable, and protected by idiot adventurers
Medic: I’m really starting to hate this stuff
Punchy: I got this punches wolves
Floaty Howser: laughs and takes notes
General: Your orders confuse me, I don’t have my hands on them
Dogs: I think that he meant for us to…. OUCH Gets punched to death
Floaty Howser: Impressive work, I’d love to take a chunk of your flesh for research. I’ll compensate you with a cure.
Medic: Well, I can’t heal all of these people so….. gives Floaty Howser his 1/3 pound of flesh and accepts the mending cure
Feli and General: Follow Suit

Named: I don’t have any memories from last night, did I get drink something I shouldn’t have?
Medic: Sure, lets go with that, also I think we should go home and let someone deal with all of this black blood stuff
Named: Yeah, okay, that sounds reasonable.