

Logs are in character written mission logs and reports.
These can be read in character to share knowledge.

This is the place to read up and prepare when heading out into the unknown!

Searching logs

Use keywords or keyphrases when searching the missions logs.

Destra faces herself.

Destra faces herself.

We went with Bonnie to see Destra and the librarian to ask about Charlotte’s father. Bonnie had memory problems. We ran into Sylvester (Sly). The party found a black mass above Destra’s castle. I offered up a copy of his memories to the librarian for information on Charlotte’s father. The librarian asked us to look for Sizzle (Sly’s sister) and informed us that as a result of Destra’s spell going wrong, Destra was split into multiple versions of herself. The same thing happened to Vivi. Vivi combined with his other version and managed to persuade Destra to accept herself. To get rid of the black mass, we had to protect the crystal that housed the heart of the castle. We fought Rose and other beings that sought to destroy the heart, which was a golden acorn. The three versions of Destra combined back into one. Her spell managed to get rid of the memory problems that Bonnie had and the black mass. We returned to town with Bonnie.

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A Little Moss off Morz Back

DM: Calmseeker Date: May 21- June 11, 2024 Level: 5-9 Risk: 6-7 Party: Galli: gnome, level 8 invention wizard. Alessio: human, level 9 multi class Killian: orc, level 5 totem warrior barbarian Beralt: bugbear, level 8 mutant blood Hunter Ardenn: kor, level 5 rogue...

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Saving a farmer’s daughter from goblins

Saving a farmer’s daughter from goblins

Party was called to help a farmer named Jameson plagued by hostile goblins. Jameson’s daughter Marygold was kidnapped by goblins. Discovered hideout of goblins that served Nerull. Managed to defeat goblins and save Marygold, returning her to her family.

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The End of the Master.

The End of the Master.

After getting a letter, we went to confront the Master. Gringal joined us but went ahead of us and lost to the Master. We entered through doorway in cave that was a portal to demiplane. Found cathedral where Master was, still possessing Destra’s body. Fought and managed to remove Master from Destra, leaving Master as puddle of shadows. Destroyed owl statues that Master used to hold onto his power. Gringal sacrificed himself to ensure that remaining owl statues would be destroyed and that Master would not escape. We left and destroyed the stone slab, destroying the doorway. Returned to Destra’s tree. Found that Destra had lost her memory.

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A Clerical Matter of Time

A Clerical Matter of Time

After rescuing Beralt from the Master’s forces, the party travelled with Clair to find gnome Cleric and ask about Blue, the Master’s lover, and her daughter Destra. Fought evil spirits in the Small Folk Forest. Met Fizzle that could transform into a lizard. Celebrated marriage of newlywed halflings Darcy and Gillian. Fought Master’s servants Ilestra and Alchemist at Destra’s palace. Met with Cleric and his companion Stream.

Asked about how to save Destra who had her body taken over by the Master and how to give Blue a new body. Cleric said only Destra could give Blue a new body. Cleric then took us back in time to talk to past Blue to stand up against the Master for her daughter Destra’s sake. Also talked to past Ilestra. Returned to present and found that Ilestra was alive with new memories and relationship to us. She was no longer the servant of the Master. Cleric did not return to confirm whether Destra’s body was still taken over by Master, so we went back to town.

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An Affair to Forget

Tl;dr: The Celestial Tobaggins sent a request for help to adventurers at Ruined Oak. He was attempting to meet with his hostile grandson, Donewith Washir. The party found their location with the help of Eaglie, an eagle. There, Donewith Washir merged his body with...

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The Consequences

The Consequences TLDR: In a critical attempt to save an old friend, we find ourselves aimlessly doing things and end up losing some of our party. DM: Omelette Dates: March 25- May Level: 5-9 Risk: 7 Players: Galli- level 6 invention wizard, rock gnome (tiffthatsit)...

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A Know It Owl

Tl:dr: A small group of adventurers search for a library in the Neathy Woods. Finding The Stellar Library, and speaking with the librarian, Wan-Shi-Tong, the Owl Spirit, they are permitted library cards upon completion of a favour. Wan-Shi-Tong requested the...

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Another Friend

DM: OmeletteDate: January 26, 2023 – March 15, 2023 Galli (Wizard 6) (tiffthatsit) Lyn (Ranger 6) (Qarlynd) Kirnis (Warlock 5/Sorcerer 4) (Genthrock) Beralt (Blood Hunter 6) (Espada) Vivi (Sorcerer 7) (Konopa) Slissezh (Warlock 5) (TheOddity) Mysterious friends...

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Coastal Walk:

DM: Calmseeker Date: February 11, 2023 – March 3, 2023 Gergonin             Dragonborn       Warlock 2           (ZomBChucky) Killian...

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Uninvited Guest

Gringal's Hut Trying to track down information on this 'master' is proving to be more twisted than swamp roots. After our last venture we learned the likely location of one of the masters spawn so we decided to track them down and see what could be learned. Galli, A...

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Friends and Fiends

DM: CalmseekerDate: December 21, 2022 - January 19, 2023 Alessio (Cleric 1/Fighter 5/Ranger 3) (naiiz) Kirnis (Warlock 5/Sorcerer 4) (Genthrock) Orgeron (Fighter 3/Paladin 6) (Omelette) Wheeze (Grave warden 10) (Troy) Vivi (Sorcerer 7) (Konopa) Dimble (Sorcerer 10)...

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A short journey

TLDR; We sailed out to the ruins to find many boats together attacked by chuul that were controled my some strange mage. After killing them and diving underwater to kill the mage we found that the captain of these ships were Slavier who we were looking for. He gave us...

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Hethress’ Log

Day #1 I had finally touched down on the Town of White Moon Cove. It would appear that Lathander had brought me here just in time, for I had met plenty ambitious folk from all the distinct walks of life gathering in what I believe to be a search for fortune. Luck...

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An incompleted fetch quest

TLDR; Destra had greatly increased the size of the home with the help form the book that Merula asked for. But she is apparently under the masters influence. We decided against bringing the book back. The master lives in Port Mirandia, Hastro and Histro and lives in...

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A competition gone wrong

TLDR: We were going to escort the Baldours to a competition killing harpies. But in the killing zone we got trapped with some time and space magic, making it impossible to escape. We managed to open a portal with some magic stones, and in there we found a cryptic and...

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Check Mate

TDLR: a gnome is missing and without him, Cairn'a stone quarries construction can't go on. A group of adventurers makes their way to find him. Little did they know they would be up against a King and Queen…..of chess! Also included is a guardian turning people into...

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A Story of Secrets

Party: Lyn, Free, Slissezh, Killian, Norva (temp), Gulu.DM: Calmseeker. We had the opportunity to go on a wonderful trip outside the city, and to protect our wonderful workers as they continue building the Plains Pass road. The road that was built (in blue) The first...

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To Live Another Day

Tl;dr: A group of adventurers set out from Port Mirandia in search of orichalcum ore to complete the Bank's construction. A lead from the Fire Giant Smith Apnar send them to a ore vein, guarded by the Phoenix, recently reborn and jonesing for a rematch after intensive...

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The shadows deepen around Merula and Destra

The shadows deepen around Merula and Destra

We were tasked with wiping out monsters that had tormented a woman named Merula. We killed only a clay replication of the enemy, and a powerful figure possibly named the Master managed to escape through magical means. The Master is Destra’s father.

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Phoenix Down

Tl;dr: A group of adventurers successfully travel a long distance on foot to find a Phoenix, a fragment of its egg is the final component to completing the Dealer's Office in Port Mirandia. Future Adventure Notes:•The Dealer's Office in Port Mirandia is complete and...

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TLDR: upon traveling to the location of that portal, we finally came face to…hood with the "Master" (Destras father). Fought three trolls and we killed them all while the hooded figure gets away. We visited Destra on our way back to Port Meridia.  DM: omelette...

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A costly rescue

TLDR: We set out to rescue Merula and found where she was headed. There we fought the Chemist (Illestra), the Alchemist and a fire troll. They defeated us and imprisoned those that survived (Herogenn and Critter died) with Merula. Raq freed us we escaped, where chased...

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An Ignominious Defeat

Tl;dr: An adventurer from AFK accepts a duel to the death with Zoddoroth, and wins. Future Adventure Notes:•Who was Gahzel Havocker, anyone know?•The entrance to where Baphomet is sealed will be revealed during a eclipse by spilling divine blood on a stone tablet,...

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Friends in Low Places

TLDR: Merula is missing!! A fight with succubae, we meet a suspicious lady in a town, and the Master comes back into the story once again!  DM: Omelette Date: July 6- July 20Risk: 6+ Levels: 1-4 Players:  Beralt- Bugbear, mutant blood hunter, lvl 4(espada) Galli-...

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While You Were Sleeping

Tl;dr: A road going west of the ZHT portal is built. Future Adventure Notes:•Five hexes of road completed, heading due west of the ZHT portal.•Bran Jon Starker has a fort somewhere north or northeast of this road.•Ice Storm is very effective at killing skeletons....

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Advanced Ethics and Adventuring 201

Tl;dr: Adventurers from White Moon Cove search for and find a group of gnolls responsible for the destruction of a nearby outpost. They also find many gnoll children and didn't know what to with them. Future Adventure Notes:•Some of the gnoll forces responsible for...

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Zoddoroth Was Here

Tl;dr: Adventurers from Ruined Oak guard workers while they finish an outpost south of the Silent Forest. Future Adventure Notes:•An outpost south of the Silent Forest has been completed.•Teeth placed in a cup of water might summon the fey Tooth Fairy, who will give a...

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The Gnollonomicon, by Aneksi

Gnoll Archer Gnoll Shaman Gnoll Raider Gnoll Hunter Gnoll Whipmaster Undead Gnoll Legionair Gnoll Killer Gnoll Warband Leader Gnoll Brute Gnoll Monk Gnoll Deathknight Gnoll Necromancer Gnoll Hyenarider Gnoll Whip & Shield Gnoll Boneclaw Gnoll Bone Titan Gnoll...

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Slow Snow Ahead

Tl;dr: Adventurers from Ruined Oak escort a road building crew to the Frozen Forest by the ZHT portal and barely survive to return to tell the tale. Future Adventure Notes:•The outpost at the ZHT portal is destroyed and needs to be rebuilt•There are ruins to the...

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Not As Advertised, Swamp Road Hexcrawl

DM: Seph Tier: 5-9 Party: Konopa as Vivi SlyOkami as Aneksi Troy as Babel GeoKhan as Coral Chapter 1: The Apocalyptic Accident We began our journey to scout the southern road from White Moon Cove, swiftly making our way to the crossroads intended to turn south....

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Road Building, Toad Riding and more(dron)

DM: Calmseeker Characters: Gulu, Arwen, Brekker, Xozieg, Free, Lyn, Maej The group accepted a mission to protect workers tasked with building a road. The first day was mostly uneventful, but after the night's rest we found several carcasses, which I identified as...

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Adventurer’s Amulet or Pendulous Pendant

Tl;dr: Further exploration of an Arcane Depository proves lethat to one adventurer. Also weird goat-man and priest cat. Future Adventure Notes:•Some form of goat-man with a priest cat have gone to the Temple of Lathander on a pilgrimage of some kind.•The Arcane...

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The Fountain of Aging, dead. again. Two soon.

Tl;dr: Adventurers from Port Mirandia get word of a second Fountain of Aging being construced by Barragius the Semi-Lich. Sought and destroyed handily. Future Adventure Notes:•A reminder that magical cold damage can reduce most magical aging.•Barragius the Semi-Lich,...

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Bug hunt!

TLDR: After some trouble on the way we found a note from Destras sisters about some ruin where the river meets the ocean. When we arrived at the town bug-people were destroying the town and we followed them to Destras place where they trapped her. After getting...

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Dungeon. Check. Dragon. Check. D&D Accomplished.

Tl;dr: Adventurers from Ruined Oak clear out undead from a dwarven arcane repository near Rehope. Future Adventure Notes:•Bounty hunters were looking for a chicken thief near the bridge south of Ruined Oak.•A fire raged west of the Whisper Guard Outpost, no one has...

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Fort Peckerwood has fallen ZHT

Dakka Doon (Le Count) 6/10/22 Fort Peckerwood has fallen and all guardsmen and auxiliaries have been slain.  No supplies or items of value recovered. All bodies burned along with the bodies of the attacking orcs which bore the markings of the Bloody Hand tribe....

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Treatise on the Importance of Understanding

DM: GEO6/6/2022RCB - FisrWade - KadarNdeboy - All PorridgeSlyOkami - BrekkerIt is important in the surveying of new territory to understand the context of the terrain you're encountering. I have found myself thus far disappointed in the writings sent back to...

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Lest We Forget: Montgomery Smith, First Mate.

Tl;dr: Adventurers from Port Mirandia meet survivors from a shipwreck, then follow a bird made from a rose to a undead assault on a millennium old cherry tree guarded by Rwalsa, a very long lived tabaxi. They then nearly die just trying to get back to Port Mirandia...

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Dancing with demons

DM: Waylander Cavendish, fighter 7/warlock 1, leaderSun, wizard 8Dwaff, cleric 9Dimble, sorcerer 10, chroniclerDemona, paladin 2, sorcerer 5, trailblazerRig, barbarian 9, scout TLDR; we met a group of undead killing cultists. Undead skeletons, giants and a wraith....

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Journey to the Bottom

By Geokhan | 15-May-2022 | Logs tl:dr: Traveled to DOF to clear a Khendra fort and report on our findings. Future Adventure Notes: There may be more Khendra Fort that need to be cleared out. Session Title: Do you know the way?Session DM: DGMSession Date: 15 May 2022...

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Surveying Mountain Pass

Tl;dr: Exploring the mountain range between Rehope & some Karkinos on the other side. Future Adventure Notes: The base of an old colossus statue marks the entrance to the "Hall of Magic," disused retreat for mages Located dwarven tunnels inhabited by undead....

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Creating civilization

by Geokhan| 6-May-2022 | Tl;dr: Completion of second outpost post between Ruined Oak and the Jub Jub while fighting off waves of creatures Future Adventure Notes:•There is a powerful warrior challenging folks for some unknown purpose, was in the...

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PTI Trade Report

Le Count For our esteemed shareholders – a report on Pebble Toss Incorporated’s latest investment in adventure capitalism. PTI executive team: CEO and Leader – Dwaff, the voice of Jamb Senior executive who obviously has seniority because I have no idea what her actual...

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Tor Merr Ship Aparrrt, Aye

Tl;dr: Adventure came to the adventurers this time as a ship hurdled its way into Port Mirandia, barely missing the docks. On the ship were many many rats, some forming a rat king. And a brain floating in a jar. All handled by adventurers from Port Mirandia. Future...

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Gill’s Odd Jobs Inc., Gracklstugh P.I.

Tl;dr: A group of adventurers trying to find leads on information in Gracklstugh, the Jubjub Fortress City found one who wanted a private night meeting in the middle of nowhere, but she had been followed and our adventurers had to fight their and here lives. She...

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