by naiiz | 24-June-2022 | Logs
DM: Calmseeker Characters: Gulu, Arwen, Brekker, Xozieg, Free, Lyn, Maej The group accepted a mission to protect workers tasked with building a road. The first day was mostly uneventful, but after the night’s rest we found several carcasses, which I identified... by naiiz | 27-February-2022 | Logs
DM: Calmseeker Date: February 4th-19th, 2022 (PbP)Party: Balthier (10), Dimble (10), Orgeron (8), Alessio (7), Rig (8), Wheeze (10), Jyn (11) Jacaranda, one of the Phantasmagoria folk, asked us to find a sapling of the Telperion tree. We were told that someone among...