DM: WaylanderLevels: 2-5
@Trulhammaren (Nog/Nunde) / Nunde / Rogue 3
@Kiwi (Jyn/Gulu) / Gulu / Fighter 3 #3 @Moony (Eric) / Eric /Warlock 3
@SlyOkami (Aneksi/Brekker) / Aneksi / 5, Paladin 1, Sorcerer 2, Warlock 2
@Genthrock(Hanbal/Kirnis/Fur) / Furrball / Fighter 3
@Konopa (Balthier,Eight,Gau,Vivi) / Vivi / Sorcerer 3
@Arden (Katla /Sapphire) / Sapphire / Monk 2
@Geokhan(Coral/Lysing) / Stark / Druid 2
Objective: explore portal location: UIF
Starting from Ruined Oak
Embolded by guild boons of spell scribing and alchemy we set out Taking portal at ruined oak to UIF.

We end up in a forest where the terrain doesnt seem good for farming, but plentiful in fungus.
Remnants of a battle found are found in the proximity.
Nunde gets some high ground on a tree to take a better look around
We head south then to a stream and begin following it till we reach some rapids
We cross the river and set camp for the night when we are attacked by giant spiders in the night
We defeat them and an ettercap they accompanied.
In the morning we go north and come across some hilly area with large trees were we see buildings in the distance

We encounter some humans making ointment out of silk? here who seemed fairly scared of us.
We decide to head back to the portal and head home and we are watched by unknown creatures as we approach the portal control unit.
Suddenly 2 spider-like humanoids, and 3 giant spiders and a huge spider ambushes us as we approach the portal, shouting for us to leave their territory for we are intruders.
We all manage to escape through the portal, and survive.
Mostly whole, we return home…