DM:Calmseeker – 29Sep2021
Players: Nog (7), Yatari (9), Gau (9), Dakka Doon (7), Katla (8), Olivia (6)
Nog meet with new friends and old friends to help Mr. Hannar find some Muspel Clay for new blacksmithy. Nog have to say new friend Yatari have a lot to say. So much in fact that Nog have hard time remembering what she say. She give big speech about a buddy system and not leaving buddy before we leave tavern. Oh and something about soap, Nog not remember that part.
Party begin travel to Apnar. On way Katla notice a pair of gloves laying on the road. Dakka Doon say someone to pick them up, so Nog go to do so, then Dakka Doon yell at Nog to not pick them up. Goblins very silly creatures, can’t even remember what they say 5 seconds after they say it. Silly Goblins, this is why Bugbears better than Goblins. So Nog not pick up gloves. New friend Olivia can think real hard and see if things are magic Nog learn. So while new friend think hard Nog tell story about the time Dakka Doon was Dakka Deer and how Nog didn’t eat her. Good story. Turns out gloves did have magic and Olivia use magic hand to put gloves in a a bag. Good thing Nog not pick up gloves.
Next day Yatari use magic to connect Nog’s thoughts to rest of party and Nog see Olivia’s banana through his brain. Very confusing to Nog, too many thinks inside his brain. When party get to otherside of river party look for good wet stone for Apnar as gift. Nog checked many stones using proper stone licking technique, but someone else find good stone before Nog. Nog not sure how as Nog only one to lick stones.
Oh, Nog almost forget funny magic bubble that Yatari make at night for party to sleep in. Nog think it a little cramped in bubble, but Yatari say it help keep Nog safe, so Nog sleep in bubble. Nog was woken up before Nog’s watch by Gau yelling something. Nog not see creatures right away but Nog hear them. Nog not understand them though, but Katla did and left the bubble. When fighting start Nog leave bubble to go help buddy!

Bunch of floating heads attack friends. Nog got stared at by floaty eye ball thing, someone say it called a Spectator and almost make Nog hit Katla with Nog’s third favorite javelin. Party fight two of the floaty heads while Nog fight with other two floaty heads.

Party win fight and Yatari tell everyone that they do buddy system wrong. Nog still confused about buddy system. Nog trade watch with Yatari so Yatari can do magic things. Yatari give another speech in the morning. Nog can’t remember what this one was about maybe gnome conspiracies, might have been beard care, or maybe something else about baths. Nog keep wet stone wet for Apnar. Party find big stick with some kind of warning about big tree called Oak Crusher. Nog wanted to take stick, but someone tell Nog to leave it alone. Party get to Apnar’s cave and find Apnar buried underneath a pile of rocks. Nog and Katla help Apnar out of pile while Yatari heal him a little. Nog guess Dakka Doon also try helping Apnar out, but little Goblin not strong like Bugbear and only move little rocks. Apnar tell party that he was attacked by a shrub, Nog believe him as Nog has also been attacked by a plant it even ate him once. Very strange being inside a plant.
Oh! Apnar also say there was a lady knight and magic man with the shrub and that they took his tooth! Someone do some thinking and thinked up that maybe they casting some kind of evil spell. This reminded Apnar that the knight lady says something about hunting a giant turtle. Nog kinda remember seeing something about a giant turtle much further north west up the coast. Party rest in Apnar’s cave to make sure he recover, Nog not think it necessary as the bad people attack Apnar about the same time party leave Port Mirandia, but convenient place to rest anyway.
The next day party follows trail of the bad people. It take most of the day and party spot two figures across the river. Sneakier one decide to sneak up to get into better position, just in case. Olivia and Yatari sneak around to get behind the figures while Nog helps Dakka Doon get across the river, once again proving the betterness of Bugbears! By the time Nog and Dakka Doon where across the river Yatari and Olivia had confirmed they were the people who had stolen Apnar’s tooth. Nog and Dakka Doon slink across the ground to surround the bad people, it was at this time the knight lady seemed to notice…somethingNog tell….no Nog think to Yatari that it go time and Yartari fire a big ball of fire at them!
Battle ensues Dakka Doon engage the knight lady while Nog try to get to the magic man like he was told. The magic man do magic to cause problems with other magics while knight lady yells that we were ruining the ritual to kill Morz. Nog can only assume Morz is the giant turtle, Nog will have to look into it later. Oh! The knight lady yelling seemed to wake up a great big tree who came up and attacked the party!

Great big tree come out of the forest to hit Dakka Doon while Nog kill the magic man stopping him from messing up our magic. Great big tree not like that and thunk Nog on noggin. Give Nog headache. Next time tree try to thunk Nog Dakka Doon use some kind of magic to make tree hit knight lady instead, killing her. Maybe goblins sometimes useful for things other than picking up things that fall under the furniture.
Great big tree take many fire balls, chopping at the trunk, some more fire, and Nog taking a nap. Nog need to remember to ask who woke up Nog so he can say thank you….Oh that remind Nog. Olivia make odd choice to throw the glove we find at tree, Nog not sure why, but whatever reason it work as tree use some magic to not become effected. So either tree not like pudding or Nog guess wrong about what gloves do. Nog guess Nog to busy trying not to get thunked to notice that Yatari also took a nap until after Nog manage to stab tree in the eye with his glaive! After tree fall down Nog notice Gau waking up Yatari, maybe it was Gau who wake up Nog… Party very tired after fight and it nearly night as well so we find some potions and a shiny shield on the bodies of the bad people and pull out Apnar’s tooth from the tree. Nog glad he not get eaten this time.
We return to Apnar who had gathered the clay we were looking for while we were away. When Apnar got his tooth back he stick his hand in lava and wash out his mouth with it before welding his tooth back into his mouth. Nog very impressed, but think method probably burn too much fur for Nog to use. Party head back to Port Mirandia with much talk about beards and other such things. Yatari trick Nog into drinking potion that wash away all the bird seed Nog keep for birdy friends. Nog would have been more upset had Nog not had to cross river. Party manage to get back to Mr. Hannar who very happy about our success without much issue.