Sleeper Island Townbuilding Guide
Creating a home in the frontier
Detailed Information on Structures & Improvements
This section outlines general uses, rules and requirements for each of the structures or improvements available.
Town creation rules:
- Towns need to be at-least 24 hexes apart.
- A Town can not be build within 8 hexes from a Outpost.
- A Town needs a free hex on the world map.
- The area needs to be habitable and support local population.
- To start a Town, build a Inn/Tavern.
- The Town is placed on the 24th hex or further away.
Structure Construction Rules:
- Only 3 structures may be built at the same time
Tier 1
The 1st Tier begins when players have built a Tavern and ends once a number of resources have been cleared and accessed.
2 structures of the party’s choice as well as a Trading Post and a Town Center, must be built to progress towards the next Tier.
Benefits of Tier 1 are 10% of taxes on income currently generated by the town.
Tier 2
The 2nd Tier begins after Tier 1’s objectives have been completed. During this stage of development, the growth of the population and access to work is the primary goal. 6 structures must be completed through this stage, as well as capitalizing on 1 outlined opportunity and dealing with 1 outlined threat.
Benefits for Tier 2 include 15% of taxes on incomes currently generated by the town, in addition to discounted goods (10%) produced by the town and its chosen structures.
To progress through to Tier 3, the population of the town now must be above 150, with a guard to civilian ratio of no fewer than 2%.
Tier 3
The 3rd Tier will begin after the completion of goals from Tier 2.
At this point the characters should decide upon what the town should specialize in. Before this decision is made, the town must have 6 differing structures built including a manor, not including the structures required by each specialization.
(* Items marked with this symbol will have quests associated with creating the actual structure.)
Farming Land (40gp / 10 days) – land which has been cleared and fenced, to either grow crops or produce, or for livestock. Farming Land can also improve the total capacity of the settlements population.
Mine (done by players) – tunnel like system used to extract mineral resources from the earth. The construction of a mine is necessary for the construction of a Blacksmith and Foundry. To build more than 1 mine, NPC’s must be contacted to find new potential mine sites. Further information on this can be found in the Quests section. Mines can be cleared automatically by militia or guards once available to the party. There are no limits on the total number of mines that can be built.
Mill (150gp / 45 days) (Limit of 2 per town) – this building is used to process grains from the surrounding farmlands. The construction of this resource is required for the building of the Bakers.Â
Inn/Tavern (500gp / 45 days) (limit of 4 per town) – these structures supply a common area for travellers and workers alike. Typically a centerpiece for small towns, most social interactions take place here. These buildings can be upgraded to larger structures for 120gp once a Stables have been built. Upgrading these structures doubles the wealth generated by them.Â
Lumber Mill (120gp / 30gp) (limit of 2 per town) – this resource helps process trees harvested from the area into a workable size. The construction of the lumber mill is required for the Woodworkers structure. Additionally a lumber mill reduces the build time of all projects by 5%.
Trading Post (500gp / 45 days) – the construction of a trading post allows for trading between this settlement and others. It is required to progress to Tier 2, and its profit can be improved by hiring a Caravan Master. Additionally the trading post can be upgraded for 250gp, doubling its income.
Shrine (120gp / 30 days) – a religious structure built to a god of the party’s choice, this structure can have far reaching effects on the town. At the discretion of the DM, shrines built can reward the party with blessings appropriate for the chosen God. For example, a shrine devoted to Mystra may reduce the cost and time it takes to learn new spells by 20%. There are no limits on the total number of Shrines that can be built, as long as they are devoted to differing gods.
Town Center (750gp / 75 days) – this structure is the civic hub of any developing settlement. It provides a location to meet important NPC’s and emissaries. The construction of this building will increase the tax collected by 2.5% at all Tiers.
Stone Quarry (120gp / 30 days) (limit of 2 per town) – An open cut mine used to gather stone for buildings and roads. Once constructed, access to stone reduces construction time of projects by 5%.
Tannery (220gp / 40 days) – The tannery is a structure used to produce leather and leather related goods. This can include tack and saddles, pouches, armour or boots.
(* Items marked with this symbol will have quests associated with creating the actual structure.)
Alchemist (750gp / 60 days) – Alchemists help to create potions and poisons for various applications. Having access to a Glassblower will increase income by 5gp per week.
Foundry (750gp / 60 days) (requires a mine to work) – responsible for the production from ore to ingots, these refined resources are required by Jewellers and Tinkerers.
Hunting Lodge (700gp / 50 days) – Used by visiting nobles for hunting retreats. The Hunting lodge can be upgraded at Tier 3 for 350gp to double its income.
Black Smith (750gp/ 60 days) (requires a mine to work) (limit of 3 per town) – responsible for processing ore into useable products such as weapons, tools, armour and other items. Blacksmiths can be upgraded for 375gp to specialise in either Weapon crafting or Armour Crafting. Specialising in either Weapon or Armour crafting will allow for rare and unique materials to be used in creating weapons or armour. This includes metals like Mithral, Adamantine or Everbright Steel and other rare materials like bone, scale, carapace and elemental infusions. Each black smith can only take 1 specialisation.
Guard Tower (4000gp/ 150 days) (requires a stone quarry) (limit of 3 per town)  – This structure brings a sense of security to the town. Along with the Guard Tower comes the 30% reduced chance for bandit activities along the road to and from the settlement. Also, each of these structures grants an additional 10% of workers recruited, when using the sowing rumours 15 Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. recruitment method.
Bakery/Grocery/Butcher (500gp /45 days) – each of these structures provide additional resources for the town. The Mill must be constructed before the Bakery can be constructed.
Stables (500gp / 45 days) – a storage like facility used to help look after transportation animals and pets. This building is required for Inn or Tavern upgrades.
Stud (500gp / 45 days) (limit of 2 per town)  – These operations are where champion companions or mounts are bred. The Stud can be upgraded for 250gp’s to specialise in either Horses or Dogs. When specialising in either of these options, the wares are available to characters for a 20% discount. Additionally they each double their income.
Guildhall (1000gp / 90 days) (limit of 4 per town)  – Guild halls act as headquarters for a number of different organisations. When the guild hall is constructed, characters decide on what kind of guild will inhabit the halls. Characters may wish to create their own guild even. It should be noted however that guilds can become rivals.
School/Academy (1000gp / 90 days) (limit of 3 per town) – These organisations are hubs for learned types throughout the world. Having a school or academy in your settlement can reduce time and costs to learn new skills, languages, tools, weapons and spells, by 20%. When construction of each school or Academy is complete, characters should decide which discipline should be chosen. The choices available are skills, languages, tools, weapons or spells. Each one constructed, must pick a unique discipline.
Manor  (5000gp / 200 days)– A place just for the adventuring party, this building should contain all the items required to keep an adventurer from boredom.
Exotic Beast Breeder (1200gp / 50 days) – Throughout the lands exist a number of rare and unique creatures. The Exotic beast breeder is a master collector and breeder, who is able to find and breed just about any beast, monstrosity, or dragon. Their work is expensive and time consuming, but nothing is cooler than riding a griffin into battle. The exact species carried by the breeder is to be decided by the DM, however there will be a number of quests available for PC’s to help the breeders out. Prices for beasts, monstrosities and dragons should be used as a rough guideline, based off Challenge Ratings up to a total of CR5.
CR 1/8 = 125gp
CR ¼ = 180gp
CR 1/2 = 250gp
CR 1 = 500gp
CR 2 = 800gp
CR 3 = 1000gp
CR 5 = 1500gp
Jewellery (500gp / 40 days) (requires a foundry) – This structures require a forge for production. extra income of the town.
Tinkerer (500gp / 50 days) (requires a foundry) – This structures require a forge for production. extra income of the town.
Glassblower (500gp / 40 days) – This trade has a very handy purpose, in that it can supply the alchemist with vials and potions.
Temple (1500gp / 100 days) – As described with the shrine, devoting a temple to a chosen deity can bring good fortune to the characters and the settlement. Rewards for doing so could come in a number of different forms, from maybe a free proficiency in religion, 1 free inspiration dice a week, or deity relevant rewards.
Brewery (500gp / 60 days) – Used to produce ales and meads, these buildings can help increase the renown and profits of the settlements Inns and Taverns. Having a local brewery will increase the income of inns and taverns by 1d6 weekly.
Woodworker (500gp / 45 days) (requires a lumber mill) – capable of turning timber to weapons, tools and other goods, woodworkers are seen as a critical trade.
(* Items marked with this symbol will have quests associated with creating the actual structure.)
(**See Market / Festival details in the Detailed Information on Structures & Improvement section below)
Keep (20,000gp / 400 days) – A large fortification made from stone, this structure acts as a martial and political center piece for the settlement. This structure requires an existing stone quarry, to be built.
Militia Training Facilities (5,000 / 300 days) – This camp and marshalling area allows for the recruiting and training of a Militia force. More proactive and professional then the guard, these soldiers can be used to protect the town and its assets. They can also fight on behalf, or under control of the characters against a common enemy. The force shall total no less than 5% of the settlements True Population (minimum of 25).
Noble Estates (7,500gp / 120 days) (limits of 3 per town) – Nobles often look for quiet towns with exclusive activities to entertain them. Drawing in a few noble families to holiday in your settlement in lavish estates can generate powerful allies and new adventure opportunities and of course, lots of money.
Outpost/Fort (15,000gp / 100 days) (limit of 2 per town) (requires a stone quarry and militia training facilities)  – Should the settlement be experience intense aggression from outside, creating a fort or outpost can aid in responding to threats before they reach the settlement. Outposts or forts reduce the chances of enemy forces reaching the town by 40%.
Town Walls (12,000gp / 150 days) (requires a stone quarry) – Protecting your settlement is a great way to ensure stability security and growth. These stone walls will protect the majority of the town’s assets and population from enemy attacks.
Market/Festival Square (2000gp / 60 days) – Providing a large open area for community events is an opportunity for building community spirit. This improvement has a few interesting features. Markets can be held weekly to generate 1d6gp profit for each production based structure or improvement. On regional holidays, events and festivities can generate an additional 2d6gp daily, during the events. Also once per year a circus may visit providing 3d6 weekly income for 1 week.
Library (20,000gp / 300 days) (requires a academy) – A luxury to most, libraries are the mark of a true city. Building this improvement will have a profound effect on your population, improving their intelligence and efficiency, adding to the overall income of the settlement.
Outside of Town
Roads (0 gp / 0 days & 1 session)
Roads increase overland travel from 1 hex per 3 hours to 2 hexes per 3 hours.
They can be build during a road building session which envolves escorting workers.
Frontier Outpost (5000 gp / 15 days & 1 session)
1. Requires a Road that leads to Town.
2. Need to be 8 hexes away from Town.
3. Can’t be more then 8 hexes from another outpost.
4. The Frontier Outpost is placed on the 8th hex.
A Town Center can be built beside a Frontier Outpost in the same hex to start a town if it’s on the 24th hex.
Frontier Outposts prevent random encounters while long resting there.
Frontier Outposts can be attacked, which will generate a defense or reclamation mission.
The upkeep of a Frontier Outpost is Pay per Use instead of monthly.
Upkeep: Pay per use
1 GP per Creature (2x per node away from town)
1st in Chain – 1 GP per Creature (8 hexes)
2nd in Chain – 2 GP per Creature (16 hexes)
3rd in Chain – 4 GP per Creature (24 hexes)
4th in Chain – 8 GP per Creature (32 hexes)
5th in Chain – 16 GP per Creature (40 hexes)
Wooden bridge (450gp/ 5 days required of defending) – Following the trail blazing/road building session concept. Building is paused while not protected by adventures in session. Large enough for a cart to cross/no checks to cross water.
Size – less then 1 hex, if 2 rivers are present in a hex it requires 2 bridges, can’t be placed over large bodies of water (lake of songs)
Difficult terrain might modify these numbers or make it impossible.
Stone bridge (900gp/ 15 in game days required of defending) – Following the trail blazing/road building session concept. Building is paused while not protected by adventures in session. Large enough for a cart to cross/no checks to cross water.
Size – less then 1 hex, if 2 rivers are present in a hex it requires 2 bridges, can’t be placed over large bodies of water (lake of songs)
Difficult terrain might modify these numbers or make it impossible.