dm: genthrock
date: 03/05/2022
hovf: sapphire (me!), nunde, vivi, xavier, oz bar’sah
zva etta malth monleg dude thakk ahold avor vok oz aav jikablith “i thorv ukur stuff jeg alovath abakavith” oz voth verthol jikablith “sure askung ekk” zva voth alovath rir hja malth orhim. Voth wulfa thar oz thar ur atur animals. Dath jr weird denthar thar verthol atur animals frarth en ranch. Thar jr ukur bloth frarth eth ogjart. Nunde thurvr denthar burbur called slivers bizant go etta dokk dath seemed kinda weird. Jeg tried hacky sack heth vivi dokk han olon en ojti avor orglek heth dath. Anyways voth vigga obbi ilv etta ormi thar oz knocked frarth eth eigur zith thar verthol lanterns zvolor. Eigur opens oz en freaky deeky gargoyle butler kvann opened obbi called seph. Han gjavok vok e oz voth chat oz thlaga heth hjana oz hja nakuma reginald. Thja janthi denthar thja owned eth stund oz samus aav eth malth stableboy. Thja seemed ilv ath dokk thja creeped mikk euj. Thja janthi thja skuld mjuva vok samus’s stuff fji voth hraed zgni eth zigrimar denthar verthol eating tharas animals, voth verthol jikablith dolg.
najandr stjundhrym voth bevinja en saying thja skuld ath hrut e eth. Voth avor nasketh snoop oz bevinja ukur weird hjertr oz hjav weird jeg vomingdur cringe inducing. Zva apparently thja olon en jintiga hurburg e eth basement oz en vangli inni thar. Thar verthol humanoid bodies thar avervir oz ukur frok avor message e code. Jeg tlaga handed dath zgni ilv nunde, jeg goth ekk trela ugattun hjandlom ta sorts avor hjertr. Voth headed euj ilv bevinja theza zigrimar.
voth kjothi avglaga thji eating aennr oz stuff. Vivi en vitsker frarth mikk letting mikk aundra aldr hzem aav vlita cool. Thja verthol odd zlavurm jikablith hjertr. Voth fought, jeg neastlik thakk eaten, thja , oz voth survived. Vaem galjeva jeg thurv, voth’re amazing. Voth farurm hrut ilv eth ormi oz avok payment oz thlagaz hjandlom trusting vok ilv hef fulfilled eth job. Stjora, eth nim jeg olon ilv briggast eth creepers eth arboth. Voth udov frarth hrut ynni grod oz mjuva samus hja belongings
dm: genthrock
date: 03/05/2022
party: sapphire (me!), nunde, vivi, xavier, and bar’sah
so this old human dude got ahold of us and was like “i need some stuff i left behind” and we were like “sure why not” so we left for his old home. we get there and there are no animals. it is weird that there were no animals on a ranch. there is some blood on the ground. nunde says that something called slivers likely did this but it seemed kinda weird. i tried hacky sack with vivi but he had a bit of trouble with it. anyways we went up to this house there and knocked on the door since there were lanterns lit. door opens and a freaky deeky gargoyle butler man opened up called seph. he lets us in and we chat and talk with him and his master reginald. they said that they owned the place and samus was the old stableboy. they seemed to be but they creeped me out. they said they would give us samus’s stuff if we scared off the creatures that were eating their animals, we were like fine.
next morning we find a saying they would be back in the. we of course snoop and find some weird things and by weird i mean cringe inducing. so apparently they had a torture room in the basement and a cell down there. there were humanoid bodies there too and some sort of message in code. i just handed it off to nunde, i do not really care about those sorts of things. we headed out to find these creatures.
we came across them eating plants and stuff. vivi a spell on me letting me breath fire which was pretty cool. they were odd snake like things. we fought, i almost got eaten, they , and we survived. what can i say, we’re amazing. we go back to the house and our payment and talking about trusting us to have fulfilled the job. great, the less i had to meet the creepers the better. we head on back into town and give samus his belongings