Tl;dr: An embassy for the fey from the Forest of Thorns was completed in Port Mirandia. Doing so involved rescuing the Peacat of the Summer Court from the Shade of Stories, which was holding it inside one of the Peacat’s magic stories.
Future Adventure Notes:
•The Shade of Stories was destroyed. (Barry has problems with plurals and has noted its name incorrectly)
•The Peacat has been safely returned to the Summer Court, but be wary for any itinerant unaccounted for feathers.
•Possible magic well effect, an eighth level spell that lasts for ten days making specific creature types really like or dislike something.
Session Title: Fantasmagorian Rhapsody
Sessin DM: Calmseeker
Session Date: 25 Feb 2022 @ 23:30 UTC
Session Risk: 6

•“Chronicler” Aneksi (Paladin 1/Sorcerer 2/Warlock 2) (played by SlyOkami)
•”Cartographer” Balthier (Rogue 10) (played by Konopa)
•”Chronicler and “Trailblazer” Barry (Cleric 4/Fighter 5) ([played by Tootired78)
•Cavandish (Fighter 7/Warlock 1) (played by Troy)
•Coral (Ranger 7) (played by Geokahn)
•”Leader” Dakka Doon (Fighter 10) (played by Le Count)
•”Scout” Nalkris (Warlock 9)(played by Iceforge)

Barry and group asked to help finish embassy in Port Mirandia for fey from Forest of Thorn. Barry think dealing with fey bad idea, but gold is gold. Barry and group approach by Mr. Tumnis, who say live in town with dryad wife. Mr. Tumnis ask Barry and group to pick up fertilizer from farm and deliver to fey, and then help fey with task.

Barry and group leave Port Mirandia by road, it cold but no wind, go southwest, meet farmer with fertlizer available. Ranger Coral fail to shovel, but Cavalier Cavendish prove expert. Fertilizer acquired, Barry and group continue along road, see toppled tree.
Barry and group move west off road, then west into forest. Barry see circle of stone, told by group that it meeting spot for fey. Barry and group greeted by unusual fey. Barry find out later, name Oakmesh and he leader of Fey Phantasmagorica. He was once elf druid but became fey to protect fey. Oakmesh pleased with fertilizer.

Oakmesh want Barry and group to search for source of strange magic animating many object. This magic disturb forest, prevent Oakmesh from growing silver tree with silver flower. Oakmesh want Barry and group to go meet with different fey, Queen Ashilinn of Summer Court, to southeast.
Barry and group agree, then camp by circle of stone. Oakmesh make food. Barry told by group that half-elf come by during night. Half-elf have wool hat, crooked teeth, meandering eye, and want story and booze. Say name Ungalos. Otherwise night uneventful.

Barry and group start moving southeast while snow fall. See oak tree with ring of toadstool but Barry and group wary and avoid. Snow stop midday, Barry and group keep moving southeast into forest. Forest peaceful, bird chirp. More movement southeast then see track going west, Barry and group follow track as evening descend.
Track lead to flock of swan, swimming. One swan bigger than other. Big swan gesture for Barry and group to follow. Barry and group follow. See procession of many fey and fungi and humanoid fey with swan wing. Central figure is female, marking of tree around body, sitting on throne carried by other fey. When throne sitting female see Barry and group, procession stop, and she stand. Big swan shift into form of swam warrior with wing.

Leader Dakka Doon talk, briefly cause confusion. Throne fey Queen Ashilinn. She recall meeting Oakmesh and admit disturbance originate in her forest. Creature called Peacat taken by black tendril shadow. Peacat magic, can make story real. Peacat was going to animate Summer Court story about Odette and her legendary tale.

Barry hear story of Odette. Girl was weak when young, could transform into ugly bird. Berated by peer. Trained herself, overcame harsh criticism of peer. Humbled peer by training and skill at sword. Learn sword dance. Become legendary warrior when pull sword from stone, then fly south and vanquish wyvern. Since then one swan always name Odette. Big swan current Odette.
Queen Ashilinn think thing that took Peacat interfere with it magic feather. She give Barry and group map to Peacat, unusual map. Drawing of sword on paper that point to Peacat location. She say she will be back to north part of southern forest in two day, should Barry and group find Peacat, then procession restart and leave.

Barry and group camp for night. Night have jackle herd, and smooth rock noticed, also magic well. Barry have bad idea in morning, feed water to Frog Gamma, see what water do. Barry find Barry must be near Frog Gamma after, to protect her. Barry and group move northwest back to where Oakmesh be. On way see herd of elk, then enchanted straw doll on ground, then Barry got lost, but Barry and group find circle of stone and Oakmesh by end of day.
At circle of stone sword map point southwest. Barry ask Oakmesh for help with Frog Gamma making Barry need to be near. Oakmesh say will try during night. During night group find plant with many hard metallic orange. In morning Oakmesh say Frog Gamma fixed, and Barry happy no longer need be near Frog Gamma. Khenran Aneksi stay to talk with Oakmesh about something, Barry not know.
Barry and group travel southwest, following sword map. Many evil sylvan talking pebble with face sing on ground. Rock say shade of story will get Barry and group soon. Ranger Coral try to gather many to sell, but some escape. Barry and group see baby bird waddling around pond. Rock say “IT’S THE UGLY BIRD! THE QUEEN WILL GET HER!” cause baby bird to give sorrowful cry and swim away to west. Sword map point west. Barry and group go west.

As Barry and group move west, ground and air warp a bit. Baby swan swim around lake now, have blemish on face. Feather disheveled, but seem like normal bird. Ranger Coral try to talk to bird, tone was encouragement. After talk a bit, loud screech heard, large woman appear, scream “Odette! Where is that repugnant wench?!.Why isn’t Odette helping with chore.”
Bird upset, then large woman say “No excuse, and hang out with hoodlum too!” Barry start hear whispers in sylvan, say “Then the tale take a turn and twist…” More ground and air warp, large woman shift into queen adorn with many heart. Other creature appear, Queen attack Barry and group.
Queen had magic aura, could charm people near her. She have caster ally and large dog. When she die, the water in lake get angry and attack. Barry hate water. After fight, all body disappear. Evil talking rock disappear. Swanling shift into form of girl with wing. Then woman with wing, who look much like Odette. Beckon Barry and group to follow, first west than north. Forest become deeper, and warped.
Barry and group and Odette arrive in front of giant fungi, sword in rock in middle. Odette go and grab sword, when she does, her wing grow larger and she become bathed in light. Odette The First Swan Maiden Warrior. Barry hear more whisper “Now the story reaches its climax, and magic draw forth…”

Odette change to stone, Barry and group hear snicker. More whisper “The Shade of Story.” Cavalier Cavendish recognize half-elf Ungalos, who say he Ungalos the Absurd. as long as he provide story for shade he can preserve character for his possession.
More whisper, Barry think switch to common “Twist and turn.” A dark shadow emerge, name itself Shade of Story, thank Barry and group for making it here, as our presence allowed it to drain magic and imagination. Shade of Story invite Barry and group to stay in story land, while it sustain the story, and drain Barry and group.

Shade of Story summon many creature. A large evil pebble, a young crystal dragon, a hag and the Peacat itself. Barry and group fight for live, and win. Hag hug Cavalier Cavendish almost to death. Shade of Story say “and so my story end…” when die. Peacat was under Shade of Story magic until it die, then Peacat hesitate in attack, then stop fighting when everything else dead.
Peacat go to stone Odette, nudge it tail feather against stone, making her flesh again. Odette bow, hold sword up then turn to mist say “My story begin.” Peacat thank Barry and group for freeing it from the magic used to hold the story. Say it in charge of controlling story and entertaining, but was taken by shade. Peacat say unnatural world fade in few hour, but safe to stay but time move different within.
Barry think group should move away before rest, but rest of group tired, and rest there. After, Barry and group and Peacat move back to circle of stone. Oakmesh and Khenran Aneksi ask where Barry and group have been, it has been day and half since last seen. Barry knew better than to sleep in fey magic. It late, Barry and group ask Oakmesh to message Queen Ashilinn, saying Peacat safe but Barry and group will be late to meeting. Oakmesh agree to do so.
Barry and group spend night by circle of stone again. Group. see giant goat grazing and find rock made of peat. In morning Oakmesh give oak leaf token to Barry and group for embassy. Barry and group and Peacat move southeast for most of day. See giant eagle fly near mountain, and in afternoon, quickly find Queen Ashilinn and her procession.
Peacat walk up to Queen Ashilinn and bow. She thank us and hope that story not problem any longer, bid Barry and group safe travel. Ask Barry and group to record and pass on story of Odette the First, Swan Maiden Warrior, then head into forest with procession and disappear.
Barry and group start return trip back to Port Mirandia. In the evening, meteor showers smash down on Barry and group area, but since Barry and group pushing to get back fast, no one hurt severe. Sword map became normal sword at some point. Barry and group give oak leaf token to Mr. Tumnis which complete embassy some how when in place. Barry not understand. Barry still think best not to deal with fey, but gold is gold.