





16:00 - 20:00


Level 01-04,
Level 05-09,
Level 10-14

Swing Into The Back of Things

Level: Any
Party size: 4-6 characters
Time: 4 to 5 hours.
Risk Level: You pick the objective, hard to say but generally my stuff is 6 Incapacitated is likely, Death is a potential or higher.
Note: Nothing is scaled to level or to party.

  • DoF – Khenra Diplomatic Relations (KDR)
    Level 5+
    Excluding travel – Risk 2. Mathematically you could die.
    If you try to assassinate the royal family at level 5 then 9. Team Death is likely.
  • DoF – Khenra Secret Project – Retrieval of Artifacts
    Level 10+
    Risk 6. Incapacitated is likely, Death is a potential.
  • Shards of Power
    Shard Fragments Level 4+ risk 6. Incapacitated is likely, Death is a potential.
    Elder Shard level 10+ always 8. Multiple Deaths are likely. or higher
  • Saa’s Mystery Quest
  • Whisper Woods
    It’s the safest place is the world.
  • DoF Exploration
    Level 5+
    Risk 6. Incapacitated is likely, Death is a potential.
  • DoF Hives
    Level 7+
    Risk 8. Multiple Deaths are likely.
  • SQW Exploration
    Level 5+
    Risk 6. Incapacitated is likely, Death is a potential.
  • DRM Exploration
    Buy DLC to unlock risk rating
  • UIF Exploration
    Level 5+
    Risk 6. Incapacitated is likely, Death is a potential.
  • The Right Way
    Level 3+
    Risk 6. Incapacitated is likely, Death is a potential.