DM: Geokhan (February 5)
Players: Nog 13, Katla 13, Griters 11, Gau 12, Hanbal 8, Twee 12
Nog manage to gather a group of friends to survey parts of the area known to the ReHope as the Lost Springs and attempt to see if a southerly land route could be found suitable for road building. With some planning and suggestions from friends, party make quick travel to edge of explored area on the western side of the mountain range via friend Gau’s ability to travel through trees. While party explored into the unknown a most miraculous storm happened. It rained froggies! It wasn’t long before party come across some ancient looking ruins and we decided to investigate them.

Party find great big door, but party also find big hallway into the wall that we decide to poke our heads into first. Twee went ahead to scout and somehow managed to alert the creatures within. Nog is unsure how they saw Twee, but they did. Party was attacked by several short skeletons, Nog think they may have been dwarf skeletons. It was a trying fight and the skeletons managed to flank the party causing much rushing as Nog stayed to keep the ones in front at bay while Katla and Hanbal retreated to help Twee and Gau in the rear. At some point another skeletal creature joined the fray, this one being garbed in far more ornate armor than that of the others. Griters and Nog attempted to fight the creature but it managed to get away and Griters made chase. As soon as Griters had teleported to chase the creature he was struck down by several enemies before Nog could reach him. When Nog was finally able to reach Griters he ran into an invisible wall of force energy preventing him from collecting his fallen friend. In a spectacular feat of problem solving for a small monkey, Pick, Nog’s new sidekick, popped his head out of the backpack he was hiding in wearing Twee’s Robe of Usefull items and threw a patch on the floor at Nog’s feet causing a pit to suddenly appear. Nog was then able to punch his way through enough of the ground to manage to grab hold of Griter’s body and retreat back the entrance of the tunnel.

Battered, bruised, and down a comrade the party took some refuge in some nearby smaller ruins to take a quick breather and collect their thoughts. Party then begin to head back home to get Griters revived coming across a series of tracks of some humanoids being active in the area. As night was begining to fall party come across a massive tent being guarded by some shadowy figures. The party made the decision to approach the tent choosing to determine if they would have to push on to find a better camp or if the people within were friendly.
To the partys great luck, the folks within were indeed friendly. The owner of the great tent turned out to be a wonderful Stone Giant that goes by the name of Gary, as his true name is much too difficult to pronounce for those who do not speak the giant tongue, and his wife a succubus by the name Katrina. In Katla’s normal fashion of being skeptical about new faces she was able to determine with some certainty that the couple were in fact both willing participants in their relationship. The party shared their company with food, drink, and Gau regailed Gary and the rest of us with an excellent story about two tigers. It impressed Gary enough that Gary brought out some special armor that Gau was able to trade for. Nog learned that the tracks the party saw were porbably a group of bandits the operate in the area. Nog also learned that there is a community of sorts of Stone Giants in the nearby mountains semi-nomadic in nature, but not impossible to find if you wished to seek them out. Gary was also kind enough to give Nog enough details to fill out some general features of a bit of the unexplored areas nearby.
Gary the Stone Giant

Katrina, the Succubus

The shadow guys

In the morning, after saying farewell to Gary and Katrina, party once again walked through the trees to reach the portal and get back to Ruined Oak managing to revive Griters upon our arrival.
((In the corner of the paper one can see a small arrow indicating that there might be more information on the back of the paper.))
The back of the Page
Nog can put more details here where trusted friends will look and not spys…. Nog’s real mission was to seek out an artifact called the Spear of Dio, for ReHope. Apparently the blood cult is also searching for the item and we do not want them getting it. Nog is certain we found the right ruins, but the enemies within were very formidable. In addition to the skeletons, Nog saw a Behir and some other creature Nog does not recognize immediately but Nog imagines was responsible for the wall that Nog could not get past.