GM CalmSeeker
Date 2/10/21 – Impromptu
Lvl 2-6
Party: Astray, Marcus Wellspring, Ch’aska, Nuemu, and Horace.
Work Progressed, and eventuall a begger asked for food, as I was about to provide food for the begger, Ch’aska sensed something was amiss and confronted him, as he transformed and attacked the poor soul was afflicted with the Wereboar curse

During this time, besides fending off the normal monsters, we were met by a Giant Eagle, that could talk of all things, although I don’t know why this surprised me at this point. The Eagle was a envoy of Aquilius. Warning us of Dangers coming form the south, Thankfully to these Aquilius, we were on guard when Several Bullettes burst from the ground some time later dragging with them some carrion crawlers

It seems that the building of Roads cause many a creature to come out from hiding, perhaps we are disturbing their hunting grounds? Either way you look at it, Work Progressed, and eventually a beggar asked for food, as I was about to provide food for the beggar, Ch’aska sensed something was amiss and confronted him, as he transformed and attacked the poor soul was afflicted with the Wereboar curse. Tho quickly the creature was dispatched, it exclaimed it’s immense hunger.
Our next encounter was our deadliest for this Endeavour an Undead Ogre, a Cyclops, and a Ogre caster.

These three proved exceptionally deadly, our group was unable to protect the workers sufficiently enough to continue working. As a result we escorted them back to town.

Stay safe out there my Friends
Marcus Wellspring