
Action House

You can read the action house rules in the cookbook article; DEATH: SI Variants V2

If an item is given over to the auction house by any of the above-mentioned options it is put on a list that is accessible on the website (link here) and is also posted in a discord channel in which the auction takes place. On the website will be the name of the item, the auction starting cost, the bidding step value, the auction starting and end day noted as well as the staff member who is handling secret bids for this auction.

The base price of an auction item is at 75% of the item overview value. The starting day for the auction is on Sunday and it lasts for 7 days thereby ending on the next Sunday at the same time it started. Suggested starting time is UTC 18:00 which has the highest “heat rating” based on the answers in our survey. An auction is done over the course of one week (168 hours).

Whenever the Auction House has any number of items an auction will start on the next Sunday. Any new item given to the Auction House will not be added to a possibly already running auction but stored until the next one.

If an item is listed on an auction list and has not received any bids until the end of the auction it was listed for (bids and secret bids), the item will then be shipped back to Candlekeep to find a different buyer.

Gold that has been paid to the auction house will be send to Candlekeep.

A bid, including both standard and secret bids, is only allowed to be made when the player has an equivalent amount of gp on their character sheets. If a bid is made a player is bound by it and has to purchase the item at that price if they has not been a higher bid. In case a player makes a bid and decides to go on a mission it is the players responsibility to leave an appropriate amount of gp back in town. A player may not retire during an auction if a bid was made by that player. In case a player dies during an auction and the item would be sold to that player the item then is bought with the gp that were left behind and the item follows all the applicable rules for a possible will.

Players may start bidding on the items as soon as the auction has opened. Bidding steps are determined by the base cost of the item and are made in steps of 1% of the market value (rounded up to the closest associated coin). The bids are rounded up to the next silver piece if the item’s value is 10 gold pieces or higher and rounded up to the next gold piece if the item’s value is 100 gold pieces or higher. A new bid does not have to be made as a single step but instead could jump up several bidding steps as part of one big step / raise. There is no limit for this except for the requirement of a character having enough gold at the moment of placing the bet as explained above. Bids are made in an appropriate Discord channel.

  •  1% market value (rounded up to the closest associated coin)
  • Copper piece if item’s value is below 10 gold pieces
  • Silver piece if item’s value is 10 gold pieces or higher
  • Gold piece if item’s value is 100 gold pieces or higher

Example: Person A is interested in the Javelin of Dead Guy B. The Javelin is listed at 0.38 gp or 3.8 sp (item base price is 0.5 gp). Person A bids 3.9 sp for it as the item is worth less than 10 gp. Person C is also interested and could bid 4 sp but decides to raise it to 10 sp which is 1 gp.

Example: Person A is interested in the +1 Dagger of Dead Guy B. The +1 Dagger is listed at 750 gp (item overview base price 1000 gp). Person A makes a bid at the next possible step at 758 gp. (1% of 750 gp is 7.5 gp and has to be rounded up to 8 gp as the item is worth more than 100 gp.) Person C is also interested and could bid 766 gp but decides to raise it further up. As the bidding steps have to be followed in order to not have full chaos a bid couldn’t be made at 778 gp but at 790 gp.

Players have the option to specify a maximum value that they would like to purchase an item at. This is called a secret bid. A secret bid must be able to be reached with the allowed bidding steps for the item. To place a secret bid the staff member listed in the opening message of the auction must be contacted directly. If the auction ends the last bidding value is compared to the maximum value specified by the player. If the bidding value raised in the open is higher than the secret bid and there are no other secret bids that are higher, the item is sold at the last bidding value to the player who called it. Otherwise, all secret votes are compared and the item is sold to the highest bidder one bidding step above the next lower secret bid.

Example: Person A would like to input a secret bid for a Javelin (item overview price 0.5 gp). The bidding step is 1% and would be 0.005 gp or 0.5 cp. As a copper piece is the smallest coin it would be rounded up to 1 cp and effectively be a bidding step at 2%.

Example: Person A has called a bid for 3 gp for the Javelin. Both Person A and C have stated a secret bid to the auctioneer. The secret bid of Person A is at 4 gp as the secret bid of Person C is at 6 gp. When the auction ends the auctioneer notices that both secret bids are higher than the last bid and the item is sold at a price of 4.01 gp as the secret bid of Person C was at 6 gp but steps had to be made in 0.01 gp or 1 cp and 4.01 gp is the next closest step after 4 gp.

If a tie occurs during the processing of the secret bids all involved parties have the chance to provide a new secret bid that has to be above the tie. The bidder with the highest stated value receives the item. If another tie occurs the process is repeated until a single highest bid can be determined by the provided secret bids.
If all included parties in this last round of secret bids decide to not further raise the secret bids, then each party rolls 1d100 and the party with the highest roll receives the item at the price of one bidding step over the current bidding value. This includes any other contestant secret bids that were lower than the ones included in the tie of secret bids. If a tie occurs during these rolls of 1d100 another round of rolls must be made until no tie occured.

Example: Person A has made a bid for 3 gp for the Javelin. Both Person B and C have stated a secret bid to the auctioneer, but Person A has decided not to do so. The secret bids of Person B and C are both at 4 gp. When the auction ends the auctioneer informs about the secret bid tie and asks Person B and C if they would like to raise their secret bids. Both decline and instead decide for rolling a 1d100 each. Person B rolls a 71 and Person C a 43. Person B then buys the item for 3.01 gp as there have been no other secret bids.

Example: Person A has made a bid for 3 gp for the Javelin. Persons A, B and C have stated a secret bid to the auctioneer. The secret bid of Person A is at 3.3 gp and the secret bids of Person B and C are at 4 gp. When the auction ends the auctioneer informs about the secret bid tie and asks Person B and C if they would like to raise their secret bids. Both decline and instead decide for rolling a 1d100 each. Person B rolls a 71 and Person C a 43. Person B then buys the item for 3.31 gp as there has been a lower secret bid placed above the last official bidding value.

Action House

wdt_ID Item Name Starting Price Bidding Step Value Auction Start Auction End Auctioneer