
Tl;dr After some beachcombing for information about the Red Elk clan, adventurers go help sweep out some gnoll intruders at the Red Brick Fort east of White Moon Cove.

Future Adventure Notes:
•Found some notes, one regarding the Red Elk clan.
•Gnoll and cultist forces are trying to search the catacombs under the Red Brick Fort for something.
•Large golems working for enemy forces are sometimes controlled by said forces, focus on removing them and the golem might deactivate.

Session Title: Friday Madness players choice
Session DM: Geokhan
Session Date 18 Mar 2022 @ 22:00 UTC
Session Risk: Min 6+

•”Cartographer” Bar’Sah (Sorcerer 1/Wizard 2) with Clockwork Owl the Familiar (played by Tootired78)
Bump (Dancer 3) (played by RCB)
•”Scout” Free (Barbarian 1/Rogue 1) (played by Le Count)
Kadar (Sorcerer 4) (played by Wade)
•”Leader” Mavus (Paladin 2) (played by Arden)
•”Trailblazer” Nerea (Warlock 3) with Narsil the Familiar (played by Trulhammaren)

I, Bar’Sah, once again deigned to adventure with a motley crew, some I had the displeasure of meeting before. Meeting in the Open Thistle at White Moon Cove, we set out on amongst the flourish of activity of the rebuilding. It wass raining heavily, with a low wind and cold. Thiss island continues to throw discomfort after discomfort at me, but I, Bar’Sah will not bend.

This group was bent on walking along the beachess southeast. Wet sand. The island continuess to test me. That thug, Free, was just randomly poking a stick in the sand, astounding he managed to find something. A surprisingly well preserved wood box with elklike iconography, sealed with tar. Inside was a dry piece of parchment, reading :

“Letter from Mirakar”

This seemed to satisfy the curious memberss of the group and we continued southeast. While moving along the beach I started looking for magic, and found some on another parchment, thiss far stranger, floating in the water. One side, clear ordinary parchment, the other a strange distortion of colour.

Heat caused the colour to blacken, cold cause it to return to its unnatural state. Something was encoded within. Seeing a portent of this being read with magic, I, Bar’Sah, used magic to comprehend this missive.

“Strange Parchment “

We then moved southeast, coming across some sort of ruined dock. Large rotten posts of wood driven into the ground at intervalss, starting on land and going out to see, maybe forty feet total distance. This dock was only a few yearss old. That thug, Free, swam out to the edge and found a corroded ship bell in the wreckage of a large rowboat underwater.

We moved southeast again, coming across a primitive diminutive backpack containing a geode and some old rationss. The skeletal remains of a goblin nearby. We camped here for the night. During the night, another parchment was found but was blank but I, Bar’Sah was not asked to examine it the next day and only discovered it was found from conversation a few days later.

We were then attacked by a lindwurm, determined to be related to dragons and known for being around sea water. A kobold was watching us at night, who fled. The dawn of the third day brought a clear sky and slight warmth, and we continued our southwest movement, along the road.

We found a crute flute and a strange creepy doll with a small gemstone in a forehead. That thug, Free thought the eyes followed him. The doll was magical, with touches of abjuration and evocation within. Also found was a collapsed tunnel into an abandoned mine. This mine was made by one of the smaller, lesser races based on the tunnel height.

Having reached the edge of the beach we began a return journey to White Moon Cove, which was mostly uneventful, save for fissuress that opened in the ground after it shook. Spending the night at White Moon Cove, That Kadar fellow wanted to check something over by the Red Brick Fort to the west for some reason, so off we went.

The travel west along the road was uneventful. We passed by a disgusting transient camp at the crossroads and there was more ground shaking, no fissuress thiss time though. Early into the third night, a bloodied rider on a roughly rode horse. Recognized by some of the group as Quison, he talked about how his home, the Red Brick Fort, had been attacked by gnollss and some other humanoid creaturess.


The coward fled after only killing a dozen, wanting to find assistance. Him and Kadar then talked a great deal. Talk about a ghost in the basement that had been cleared by adventurers from White Moon Cove. Quison had no new information about the ghost, remarking he would rather it not be there at all.

Quison also said the gnollss had tried before, and he suspectss they are looking for something, possibly something that was taken back to White Moon Cove by the adventurers who cleared the basement in the first place. He then confirms Vongrimath cultistss also have interest in his basement, for some unknown reason, possibly a hidden crypt or maybe just wanting the corpsess for animation.

We agreed to help Quison clear out the remaining gnolls in the morning. We arrived at the Red Brick Fort with no issue. We made our way inside while Quison checked the grounds. There was no sign of intruderss in the main building above ground, so we ventured into the underground catacombs.

Exploring in the dark, we heard then saw gnollss who rushed in to attack. They had with them a large spider, some unknown humanoids and a golem controlled by said humanoids. A long fight ensued, the tight tunnelss making movement difficult. We won of course, or I, Bar’Sah would not be dictating thiss.

Unknown humanoid

Searching around the catacombss, they had been picked clean of anything interesting by the previouss adventurerss. The gnolls did not find anything there that day. Quison remarked about a Golden Book taken by the previous adventurerss, that spoke of a great treasure or weapon, but some other adventuress had killed the creature that knew where this object wass.

Quison at least proved to at least be a capable host, providing decent food and a clean room to spend the night, after which we uneventfully returned to White Moon Cove along the road.