
A Song of Ember and Stone

DM: Geokhan PlayersTwee – RCBGau – KonopaBardy – Tootired78Valorean – MalKatla – ArdenNog – Trulhammeren Related Readings:Visit to Grackisturgh – Contextualization | Sleeper Island EURoadbuilding, Mages, Stones and monsters |...

Visit to Grackisturgh – Contextualization

DM: GeokhanLeader: Twee | 8 Ranger | RCBGriters | 9 Wizard | WadeBalthier |9 Rogue | KonopaHorace | 2 Cleric, 6 Sorcerer| Mountain LordKaladin | 5 Cleric | ChrusTaishina | 6 Paladin | Destrina “While Griters is great at collecting information, sometimes he can...