Session Tl;dr: Adventurers from Port Mirandia are brought to a sacred Lapendi place to help deal with a problem deep within. discovered to be the Undead Yuan-ti Necromancer Netsoashua now Sal Netsoashu, The Adventurer’s were to everyone’s surprise able to defeat her.
Future Session Notes:
•Lapendi tribes need time to convene a council to maybe declare a stronger relationship with AFK.
•Sal Netsoashu a powerful undead yuan-ti necromancer was killed, but the body disappeared, likely will return.
•The yuan-ti have taken over the lizardfolk city of Tikal, using it as a place to coalesce control over the area.
•What we know as lizardfolk and yuan-ti may have been manufactured by a third race, that has properties of both.
Session Title : Dissent Descent
Session DM : Neal
Session Date : 14 Jan 2022 @ 00:05 UTC
Session Risk : 6

•”Cartographer” Balthier (Rogue 10) (played by Konopa)
•”Chronicler” Barry (Cleric 3/Fighter 5) (played by Tootired78)
•Coral (Ranger 7) (played by Geokhan)
•”Leader” Daffodil (Wizard 10) (played by Tam)
•”Scout” Nog (Fighter 9) with Rollo the Sidekick (Owlbear 1) (played by Trulhammaren)
•”Trailblazer” Twee (Cleric 1/Fighter 2/Ranger 8) (played by RCB)

Barry write log about another tomb cleanse
Barry woke early morning at Potted Plant Inn. Sailors sing all night long. Guard rush in after sailor group leave, carry tiny meerkat. Necromancer Daffodil talk to meerkat. Say name “Smaller than Normal”. Barry told it gesture, make Barry and group follow. Ricky the innkeep provide yummy breakfast packed for travel. South of town meerkat jump into small but human old woman hand. She seem nice, like grandmother. Ask if meerkat message clear. Barry see group say yes. Old woman say good, then make portal in tree urge Barry and group though.

Outside portal Barry see more tree. Same weather as before. A different old woman open another portal. Arrive at recent grown tree, surrounded by grassland. Singular large hill, nomad camp around. Barry see barbarian tribes people known as Lapendi. Lapendi warrior deferential to both old woman, in protective stance. At base of large hill, stone, sheer face, prominent in semi circle. Still same weather. More old woman among the tribes people. They called “mother,” use nature magic and hold history of community. corner stone of way of life.
Necromancer Daffodil say Barry and group at big hill northwest of Port Mirandia. Old woman say normally they not allow stranger this close, but great warrior of tribe not allowed into place of mother. Say recent disturbance in place of mother, need outside help. Old woman name Aylynn, Heard some story of AFK adventurer, began to trust.
Mother Aylynn say two day ago, first aberration crawled out from inside place of mother. Say ground normally left open but seal now. Place of mother where Lapendi bury dead, for many century. Never before has something emerge but now dead move again.
Barry curious if Lapendi know Cult of Tsaran or Blood King, responsible for last tomb that was woken. Say know Blood King citadel far to west of serpent river. That M’hair trade slave with Blood king. Warrior who speak be Rhodaking, the Warlord Chief, seem proud of knowledge. Rhodaking disrespectful of leader Necromancer Daffodil from stature and sex.
Mother Aylynn provide scroll of haste and potion of fire breath as great artifact of power to aid Barry and group. Rhodaking, the Warrior Chief move rock sealing tomb with strength. Mother Aylynn cast darkvision on Barry and group then ask if any other way to help. Barry ask for heal berry. Mother Aylynn summon youngest woman who shyly cast goodberry, hand out. Cast Aid on some, Barkskin on owlbear.
When Barry and group about to enter, Mother Aylynn quietly ask Necromancer Daffodil for discretion. For Barry and group to not talk about what see inside on wall. Barry will keep secret but write down in log for adventure. Barry and group see packed dirt wall, look solid if ancient. Good construction. Feel cool temperature.

Barry and group start descent. Wall lightly magical, magic diffuse through whole area. On wall are many cave painting, imbued with magic. With light, Barry and group can see repaint many time. Restored carefully with reverance. Barry and group see silky black scene, very pregnant Lapendi give birth to planet. See similar picutre again and again. Ranger Coral say creation myth.
Enter well travelled room, seem like temple. Well cared for. Barry and group continue descent. See occasional fork in path that lead to grotto for special tomb. Barry and group see one intricate panel, depict bunch of many animal emerging from ocean, carrying bowl of mud. Most are human and some animal only once. One look similar to lizardfolk and yuanti together, hard to tell which.
Use light to see colour, which bring animation to animal. See large muscular tabaxi, not look like tabaxi Barry see now. Bowl all same colour but lumpy shape content differ in colour and shape. Near, another panel, with creepy hard to tell lizardfolk or yuan-ti thing being slave driver, sordid tale record on wall.
Near, another panel, hard to tell lizardfold or yuanti feeding human something, red in colour. Blood maybe. After, see what Barry think of as lizardfolk and yuan-ti seperate and distinct. Massive tabaxi still depict among image but fewer.
Goblin Twee say see movement beyond rock. Barry and group attacked by something that come out of wall. Many undead something. Fight in tight tunnel. Barry and group win, try to lay remnant peacefully to rest. See more panel,

Lay bodies back to rest. See sorrowful pattern, show many similar female Lapendi, offer to yuan-ti. Near town area, many girl led away. Barry and group think odd how similar and lack of detail compared to before. Someone say girl are offering. Of how Lapendi survive by appeasing yuan-ti with girl.
Barry and group deeper, travelling for longer than hour, still downward. Bugbear Nog see light ahead make Barry and group wait. Bugbear Nog see snake lady, amid construction with scaffolding. Snake lady muttering. Cave seem dug within Barry lifetime. Scaffold go round many pillar of earth that support ceiling, all way around room. Rune on ground. Snake lady by statue of some kind, clap in triumph. Barry and group try magic sneak attack but snake lady resist.

Snake lady say name Netsoashu, welcome Barry and group to test. Say to now name be Sal Netsoashu, now have greater idea in mind. Sal Netsoashu chant and rune glow, summon figure in intricate splintmail and with large sword. Sal Netsoashu clearly undead, starting to rot. Sal Netsoashu seem immune to magic or arrow until Rogue Balthier open third eye. Barry and group fight and win, but as Sal Netsoashu die something flicker, body disappear. rune glow fade. Barry think not last of Sal Netsoashu.

Necromancer Daffodil describe rune infernal mixture of time and necromantic magic. Possibly could summon figure over and over. Barry and group think this most recent area of tomb burial. Splintmail armor covered in ancient language, resembling tabaxi but not. Barry not read tabaxi so not know how not.
Barry and group return upward, time seem less as travel way back. Barry and group met by Rhodaking, the Warrior Chief and Mother Aylynn, who are happy to hear of success in tomb. Rhodaking and Mother Aylynn seem aware of Netsoashu by reputation but no know before. Goblin Twee ask what they know of great lizardman city Tikal, they say has fallen to yuan-ti, quick to become center of power. Large force there and something about many werewolf, Barry not sure.
Mother Aylynn offer boon to Barry and group. Mother Aylynn say to keep scroll and potion. Say Lapendi barter most but have unneeded coin. Lapendi need call council of warlord to increase trust with AFK broadly and can not offer safety with all tribe, some are fallen in depravity. Mother Aylynn describe relationship with yuan-ti as difficult and seem wary about who listening in tribe in response to question.
Mother Aylynn say need rest before tree portal again. Lapendi offer lavish supper and safe rest, then more tree portal safe back to Port Mirandia where Barry and group finish day.