DM: Waylander (PbP) – 02262022 – 03072022
Players: Nog (14), Zak (15), Gau(14), Jyn(11), Jax(14), Dimble(10)

Nog would like to begin this log stating that many important things happen on recent trip to UIF and the Nog will focus on those events and informations.
Party travel to Owlysium with little trouble thanks to powers of friend Gau. It take a little time for owls to prepare for party as they were not expecting us to arrive. Overall talks with owlysian contacts of Bo Maris and Counciler Nineyi Murini go reletively smooth mostly talks deal with bringing both groups up to date with what other group knows. Other than Owlysian blessing to begin breaking ground on Cairn’s Hold and locations of Owlysian towns not much of terrible importance was discussed at that table in Nog’s opinion.

After a brief trip to browse some of the Owlysian shops party spend some time mingling with the locals in a local tavern. It is here when friend Jyn learn some most distressing news from a group of dwarves reportedly from the Ashenforge Citadel. Jyn report to party that what we have been told by dwarves might not have been a truth from the owlysians and that according to the dwarves the Owlysians seems to be taking a more iron fisted stance when it comes to thier friends and allies.
Nog not certain what the real truth is, but the news definitely casts some doubt on the story fed to us by the Owlysians. Nog is suggesting that AFK should send group to make contact with Ashenforge Citadel at some point to determine what exactly is going on.
From top to bottom: Hankalla, Coniston, Aynor, Owlysium, Ashenforge Citadel.

On our return to the portal, we were met by a small group of drow warriors, each seeming to have a different house emblazoned upon their clothing. House Colara, House Asbodela, House Ulutar, House Llarabbar. They approach party with torch lit and held aloft with weapons sheathed. Party was prepared for combat, but was pleased to see another drow appear behind the four and even more pleased to hear him speak.
A brief discussion, one with relatively high tensions Nog admits, came about before the speaker fell to his knees in a great deal of pain. Nog moved to assist, but Nog was waved away as a very large walking stone structure appeared.
It is announced that Mistress Aunrae Colara of the House Colara wished to speak with our representative. After a brief interlude, Zak and Nog having left thier weapons in the hands of Gau enter the structure.
Much was said in the conversation between Zak, Nog, and Mistress Colara, for brevities sake Nog will paraphrase to the best of Nog’s ability.
Zak manage to navigate the conversation and avoid immediate dismal managing even to learn a brief history of House Colara from the mistress. Inevitably the conversation turned to speaking of Cairn’s Hold. Many words were spoken, but eventually Nog, Zak and the teachings of Grubnash were able to make headway and Mistress Colara was willing to allow Nog to break ground with Cairn’s Hold with some caveats.

House Colara symbol?

Mistress Aunrae Colara, House Colara
As Founder and Port Authority of Cairn’s Hold, and Ambassador of AFK, with the blessings and agreement of Chief Ambassador Zak Songheart and Mistress Colara, the following is to be considered the stance of all members of the AFK until such a time that we are able to better determine the situation within the area we know as UIF.
We are not to interfere with the conflict between the Owlyisians and the Drow forces.
We are to respect the spiders of the forest and will do them no harm. We are however allowed to defend ourselves.
We shall not interfere with the silk villages in any way that would prevent them from providing the supplies that they are charged with.
Any and all bloodshed between the members of AFK and the Drow forces shall cease as well as all provocation. To this end, Nog suggests that at least one person carry a WMC Armband with them as an identifier in all excursions into the forest.
Nog would like to reiterate that these rules are paramount to our expansion into this region without constant fighting and that once we are able to determine a new course of action these are the standing instructions for all AFK members.