
Tl;dr: A group of adventurers blunder around looking for a lost researcher. They wander vaguely in the direction they think he might be and find notes written by an unknown madman in a slime filled cave.

Future Adventure Notes:
•Do not frighten npc’s before they give pertinent information.
•Possibly somewhere south/southeast of the Gruff Gruff village is some creature of madness or undeath.

Session Title: A Spelunking We Will Go
Session DM: Genthrock
Session Date: 11 Mar 2022 @ 01:00 UTC
Session Risk: 6 to 7

Bar’Sah (Sorcerer 1/Wizard 2) with Clockwork Owl the Familiar(played by Tootired78)
Bump (Dancer 2) (played by RCB)
Cha Cha (Dancer 2) (played by Reddestmage)
Nerea (Warlock 3) with Narsil the Familiar (played by Trulhammaren)

Saddled again with buffoonss, I, Bar’Sah was expected to help some gnome woman, name later learned to be Rosarie. Thiss timid creature could not even tolerate our presence long enough to even confirm we were the adventuring party she had requested. She mentioned something about some lost researcher whose last known location was the Gruff Gruff tribe east of Port Mirandia before fleeing, babbling about how she had found the wrong group. Asking if we should torture or kill our target is pertinent information one would think.

Obliged by custom, having gathered for an adventure, we decided to continue, with out any detailss. Since the only information that mouse provided wass the Gruff Gruff village, we went there, nothing but a hair tingling sensation in the air enroute. This Gruff Gruff tribe seemed to populated by hobgoblinss and bugbearss, was quite disgusting. It wass all I could do to not wretch both timess we were there.

What followed our ordinary request for information on researchers, who the Gruff Gruff had last seen a week prior, and had left vaguely southeast, was utterly bizarre. Fascinating how some of these lower creatures interact. While discussing a large fish named Greedy, that the Gruff Gruff were frightened about and wanting to kill, Bump volunteered to be bait for this fish. I have no idea what he thought that meant, but I was delighted to watch.

With great sadnesss I must report that no actual attempt was made. Bump ultimately proved reluctant to be eaten by a fish, perhapss smarter than he appearss. The bugbearss were quite disappointed as well. We spent the night in the hovel they designated for visitorss, atleast it was quiet.

In the morning we set out in the direction the bugbear had indicated, southeast. At first we heard wolf howlss, then moving southeast again we later saw a large white wolf who regarded uss for a few momentss before leaving. We moved northeast next for some reason I could not divine, but again, I was with bufffoonss.

In this area we saw a cave, outside of which a bone carving had be placed, in addition there were the scattered remains of a backpack, and pages of a journal. As we entered the cave, a massive slime slowly descended from the cave ceiling, attacking uss. Easily dispatched by our might, we began to explore the cave. The walls of thiss cave were smooth, and perfectly square, likely from the slimess moving about.

Bone Carving

We found some more notess before seeing a slime cube and another one came from the ceiling, having to fight again. In one of the slimess was a golden locket, inside a picture of horde of creepy creaturess. Narsil was eaten by the slime cube, so we left the cave to take a break, allowing Nerea the time required to resummon it.

Inside a golden locket

Moving back into the cave and further in, the remaining slimes were comparatively docile, responding to the sound of thrown pebbles to move out of our way. We looked around the cave, trying to be quiet to avert alerting the swarmss of batss littering the ceiling. In a chamber with skulls littering the floor, inside a tent were many more notes and a second locket, this one of three vampiric looking creaturess.

Inside the second golden locket

In a letter filled with gibberish, someone wrote “Going to find this, follow it south. Find it before it finds me. Get Him before it gets me.” As we tried to leave the cave, a pebble toss went awry, causing the slimes to hostilely approach us. Surrounded by several creatures, our small party wisely elected to escape rather than try to take on a superior force. There was a moment where a blood-coloured slime entered Nerea, but she managed to cough it up.

Leaving the slime cave, we managed to get back to the Gruff Gruff village to once again sleep in that hovel, again a quiet night. We returned to Port Mirandia from there, once again that strange hair tingling sensation happening. I will have to discover what it portends. We spoke to the mouse again, who again wanted nothing to do with us, saying she had hired another group.