Tl;dr: Some goblins stole a cart of farming supplies, and were killed for their trouble, and their corpses made useful organic material for a sliver infestation that nearly killed the adventurers, who perhaps wisely, used the cart as an escape vehicle.
Future Adventure Notes:
•Slivers are dangerous, especially the more variety they have.
•Some slivers will attempt to encompass/engulf you, this is bad news. Unless you can break free you will be sharing pain with the sliver.
Session Title: Player Organized farming session
Session DM: Genthrock
Session Date: 4 Mar 2022 @ 20:30 UTC
Session Risk: Unspecified

•Bar’Sah Sorcerer 1/Wizard 1 with Clockwork Owl the Familiar (played by Tootired78)
•Brekker Fighter 1/Rogue 2 (played by SlyOkami) (referred to as Bow One)
•Free Barbarian 1/Rogue 1 (played by Le Count) (referred to as Brute)
•Nunde Rogue 4 (played by Trulhammaren) (referred to as Mind Thug)

I have been told that there iss a reward for recording our adventuress so I, Bar’Sah, shall commence thussly.
Having newly arrived on this godsforsaken island, I had been told I wass expected to work for room and board. Me, Bar’Sah! While outrageouss, my present circumstance requiress flexibility. In accordance with such I found myself included in a group of scoundrelss, ranging from base Brute to ssome ssort of Mind Thug. That one disturbed me the most.
Our objective was to answer the summonss of a note received by someone, a mail clerk perhapss, no one told me. Reading the note it wass clear whomever fell for this deception wass one of the stupider around here. In the town of Ruined Oak, we sspoke to an elderly gnome, Gizmok or something, who had received a pigeon with the message, and then probably ate the bird, since he lovess them sso much. Much whining commenced about how farmss need fertilizer to function, and how everyone needss food. I will admit, thiss point is accurate.
The scoundrelss and I set forth, moving along the road. In the afternoon, we came upon the “broken cart” as referred to in the note. This cart obviously a trap. Moving around the cart was this obnoxious golden cat. I voted to kill the thing as vermin but thiss is apparently a democracy. Mind thug fed the beast, and then it followed uss.

Making trackss away from this cart, were deep rutss from a laden cart and horseshoed hoovess, heading in a northwesterly direction. We followed them. Ssomehow we got lost doing so but eventually after night descended we made progresss. Off, in the distance was a goblin camp, lit by a bonfire. They had not noticed our approach for all their chanting, drumming and dancing. A cart with one horse was nearby.
Being scoundrelss, they ssnuck into the night with intent to murder the vermin. I approved thiss, perhapss they are not uselesss. I quickly lost sight of Mind Thug and Brute, but Bow One was visible for a while. I watched briefly through the eyess of my owl. The shaman pulled a chicken from the tent, ritually cutting it then massaging its entrailss. Drumming intensified with cheers from those idiotic goblins, not knowing knowing death wass at hand.
Mind Thug, Brute and Bow One sstruck from the shadowss, killing some. As the goblins raced into the night more were slaughtered. That damnable golden cat prancing through all of this. Something alarming for everyone though wass that the corpsess were being pulled with massive force and speed under the ground by a ssnake-like creature. The ssurviving goblinss tried to run, but they were quickly killed.
Something different happened to the last living goblin. Ssomething I only caught the merest of glimpsess, but I could hear an otherwordly clicking and shrieking. Mind Thug and Brute said afterward, they ssaw a ssnake-like creature surround the goblin with many needles piercing its sskin. Ssoon a chrysaliss formed around it, almost impenetrable to our attacks. Protecting the chrysaliss were more, but different ssnake-ling thingss. These I saw myself, and clearly were not majestic snakess.

Something horrifying emerged from the chrysaliss, something Mind Thug lated named a sliver. All the creatures were slivers the “Eaters of Worlds”, and they have a connection to each that fortifiess them in a way I do not yet understand. While yet comprehending this emergence, the Bow One was encompassed in a way similar to the goblin. Our attemptss to free him by killing the creature simply hurt both of them.

Bow One managed to get free and kill the one that had surrounded him, just as Mind Thug was taking control of the horse tied to the cart. I feel into a pit, but had enough time to join everyone by the cart as we fled for our livess. The sstupid cat lived aswell. We fled during the night to the farm to the east, that the suppliess had been intended for.
We spent the night at the farm, who were grateful for their supplies. SSo grateful they merely let us sleep in the barn instead of offering their farmhouse itself, those wretchess. We returned to Ruined Oak in the morning where the elderly gnome was delighted to hear about the deaths of the goblins, and then for some inexplicable reason, queried each of uss on the origin of our namess.