
Dm: krforget

date: 043/04/2022

hovf: sapphire (me!), furrball, stark, nunde, vivi, oz kadar

zva voth headed euj ilv arzavaz euj ukur brevikrik thjold. Jeg aav haluth ilv ath traveling heth vivi bavta. Apparently cultists verthol sjolmz holes e hja. Jeg suspected denthar thar aav kak zva jeg ovgathi jumping e eth holes. nunde undith en avor hjodlik e enth jupa zva jeg ovgathi looking e eth nathr holes rir eth holdlikr. Voth undith en chunk avor thji oz thja seemed ilv ath gravestones. Theza dirty cultists verthol tomb robbers! voth hid e eth ilv ambush thji denthar nanilth. Jeg hid e en nearby jupa frunn vivi oz nunde posed eom scarecrows. Thja jikablith voth olon tvranthjor.

en brutal zank followed javnung heth avok ambush, fjertr vok wounded dokk vaekrir avor thji verol. Thja retreat oz escape. Voth collect ukur avor eth robes oz blehlind rir eth nanilth. Eth dag voth agrad eth tracks oz kjom avglaga en mausoleum. Voth glogti ekk gung eth eigur dokk mikk nunde oz furrball olon latt frarth eth cultist robes. Att owlbear approached oz ovgathi ilv sgor. eth eigur opened oz en cultist beckoned vok e. Voth vigga e eom eth djor.

thja olon lyrt mot thaggi eth nanilth withaur zva jeg kept hlegu oz tried ilv ath en kvinn avor mystery. Voth managed ilv varv zgni eom nathr cultists frarth eth zreeth oz thakk en ojti avor info borfra thji hjandlom eth cult. Nunde skuld bekna arboth hjandlom vaem thja janthi, jeg uz ekk broath arn names dokk jeg bekna thja coal, salvodore oz vex.

thja verthol tunneling euj heth vaundarold oz managed ilv jro igegond. Voth opened eth eigur rir avok hovf oz gjurnargor hrut e. Voth enth avor eth lagging cultists oz ovta hjana vanglomth.

voth vigga hrut ilv grod eom eth victorious winners

DM: KRforget

Date: 043/04/2022

Party: Sapphire (Me!), Furrball, Stark, Nunde, Vivi, and Kadar

So we headed out to help out some farmer people. I was happy to be traveling with Vivi again. Apparently cultists were digging holes in his field. I suspected that there was treasure so I began jumping in the holes. nunde found a piece of rock in one hole so I began looking in the other holes for the rocks. We found a chunk of them and they seemed to be gravestones. These dirty cultists were tomb robbers! We hid in the field to ambush them that night. I hid in a nearby hole while Vivi and nunde posed as scarecrows. They arrived like we had expected.

A brutal fight followed even with our ambush, leaving us wounded but several of them dead. They retreat and escape. We collect some of the robes and rest for the night. The following day we follow the tracks and come across a mausoleum. We could not open the door but me Nunde and Furrball had put on the cultist robes. An owlbear approached and began to attack. the door opened and a cultist beckoned us in. We went in as the beast died.

They had heard my voice the night before so i kept quiet and tried to be a woman of mystery. We managed to pass off as other cultists on the run and got a bit of info from them about the cult. Nunde would probably know better about what they said, I am not good at names but I know they mentioned coal, salvodore and Vex.

they were tunneling out with undead and managed to break through. We opened the front door for our party and snuck back in. We caught one of the lagging cultists and took him prisoner.

We went back to town as the victorious winners.