by jlsesq | 27-August-2021 | Logs
I set out with others to rancher complaining someone had stolen his rare and valuable wool. I find and follow tracks southeast towards swampland to discover victim of thief in road. Continue to follow tracks to abandoned house and eventually find Dragonborn thief with... by jlsesq | 14-April-2021 | Logs
Visited Ruined Oak. Took a job with a Forest Gnome named Jerime Crawford, a Human named Barry, a female Tiefling named Christian Perkins and a Furbolg named Bloom. Orc hired us to recover stolen recipe for ale at illegal Kobold still. Headed to Whisper Woods across... by jlsesq | 2-April-2021 | Logs
Peren traveled north as scout to help build road. Departed with four others plus many workers. We find temple near shore beside sand garden managed by nice Dwarf. He let anyone stay. Safe place. We found bodies and got ambushed by barbarians. Workers flee one member...