by tiff_thatsit91 | 25-April-2022 | Logs
Summary: a group of adventurers continues their quest against the fae Master. Half of their group gets put into a sort of memory driven world where they learn all the secrets of Destra’s father. Reuniting Destra and her guards along with the spirit wolf given to her... by tiff_thatsit91 | 15-March-2022 | Logs
The Third Cryptic Mission DM: Omelette Players: Rilan, Qar, Beralt, Chanterelle, Slissezh, Galli Date: 02/25/2022-03/14/2022 After leaving Whistle’s Wonders with my new wood flute in tow, I skipped down to the Potted Plant to see if I could find another...