
Adventures in Worker Sitting

Adventures in Worker Sitting Session TL:DR: Our group successfully built 3 hexes of the road going NW of Port Mirandia with no major injuries. All workers safely returned. Highlights included Shrieker becoming a Dragonslayer twice over, and Honkers the Goose...

Dancing with Giants and Dragons

Session Title : Giants and DragonsSession Date : 12 March 2021DM : CalmseekerCharacters:-Balthier (Rogue 7)-“Scout” Bardy (Bard 7, Cleric 1)-Don (Cleric 8, Sorcerer 1) with Colonel (a horse) and the Apparatus of Atherton-“Trailblazer” Glanfath...

Phantasmal Blood

Session Title: Phantasmal BloodSession Date: Feb 6-7, 2021DM: CalmseekerPlayers:-“Chronicler” and “Scout” Bardy (Bard 6, Cleric 1) with Honkers the Goose level 3-Cober (Cleric 1, Wizard 9) with a Skeletal Horde and Anhinga the familiar-Don...