by Xuan | 25-April-2020 | Logs |
DM: Seph PCs: Tyil, Zok, Shyn, Sneks, Gaz, Birk What a way to start my time here on this crazy little island! I managed to wiggle my way into an adventuring party that was going to set off for a short expedition. We were lead by a human named Tyil, who has a really... by Xuan | 22-April-2020 | Logs |
DM: DGM PCs: Chase (Leader), Viran (Scout), Sneks (Trailblazer), Scorch, Thorg, Tyil, Rein, Rhoshar Thorg drags himself into his room, doffing his heavy armor, and spends the evening tending to his wounds. Many worries and questions crowd his mind. He heads to his... by Xuan | 19-April-2020 | Logs |
DM: Seph PCs: Viran, Orianna, Sneks, Zok, Thorg, Tyil As Thorg leans his shield against his small night stand after spending the last hour wiping off the charred bits left behind, he kneels by the side of his bed, clutching his amulet and beginning his evening prayer....