- DM: Oatsy
- PCs: Rael, Vraela, Tar, Krar, Panzer, Lawrence
- Related Logs:
Our task was to investigate the irregular reports and creature sightings originating from the Silent Forest. Previous groups had encountered stiff resistance from corrupted plant-life that appears to spread disease to assimilate other living creatures into the collective.
Deliverable Findings
An entity labelled the ‘Blighted Guardian’ has asserted control over the Silent Forest and its denizens. The creature is reportedly a corrupted and/or diseased guardian of the forest that became violent and domineering after its infection. Warning: contagious pathogen hazard, as reported by previous investigators. Made contact with non-hostile source on location (‘Hesta’), who reports that the entity spreads its influence via infecting other creatures with its corruption to control them. Other friendly contacts include Hesta’s companions, 3 wooden / plant-like creatures approximately 4 feet tall that answer to Twink, Twunk, and Chester, though communication can prove difficult due to lack of overlapping language fluencies.
Source reliability potentially compromised, as Hesta is also infected, but appears lucid and amicable. Hesta speculates Blighted Guardian accumulates power through magical totems distributed throughout forest. Totems also appear to allow for Blighted Guardian teleportation between them within Silent Forest. Singular totem location confirmed visually; location noted. Hesta additionally speculates Blighted Guardian has ‘omnipresent aspect’ within Silent Woods; caution and stealthy movement advised.
An evil is festering within a guardian of the forest. It converts plant beings to its cause and kills those who oppose it.
Source reliability potentially compromised, as Hesta is also infected, but appears lucid and amicable. Hesta speculates Blighted Guardian accumulates power through magical totems distributed throughout forest. Totems also appear to allow for Blighted Guardian teleportation between them within Silent Forest. Singular totem location confirmed visually; location noted. Hesta additionally speculates Blighted Guardian has ‘omnipresent aspect’ within Silent Woods; caution and stealthy movement advised.
Description of Blighted Guardian
Approximately 12 feet tall. Long, lanky arms with extended claws. Can see throughout the forest as its domain. Image at report beginning.
5-6 Moss-wolves preceded it. Crow called loudly at its approach. Water in stream changed direction with its passing.
Description of Known Totem Location
South of Hesta’s location. Attached map indicated totem location. Totem within a large tree on top of small waterfall at the source of the stream. Guarded by: 5 moss-wolves, 4 animated rose bushes, 1 large blighted plant monster. Caution advised: prolonged fight risks Blighted Guardian appearance; likely to detect a fight there.

Recommended Course of Action
- Follow white markings on trees to make contact with Twink, Twunk, and Chester to locate Hesta. Confirm current situation and new developments.
- Locate additional totems, and/or destroy current known totem to weaken Blighted Guardian’s capabilities. Indications that the more totems destroyed, the more weakened Blighted Guardian will be in definitive confrontation.
- Eliminate Blighted Guardian.
- Confirm improvement in local situation and update Hesta to verify successful elimination of threat.
Reporting Investigator: Vraela Songheart, Apprentice Degree in Magical Studies