by IceforgePiron | 7-August-2019 | Logs |
[av_section min_height=” min_height_px=’500px’ padding=’default’ shadow=’no-border-styling’ bottom_border=’no-border-styling’ bottom_border_diagonal_color=’#333333′... by rubr | 19-July-2019 | Logs |
The symbol of Umberlee. DISCLAIMER: most of the stuff about the temple’s history is speculation from scarce sources. This ruined temple rests 1.25 days of travel to the north east of White Moon Cove, right on the cliffside. The temple was originally built by... by IceforgePiron | 15-July-2019 | Logs |
I talked with Valerion, Khora and Vilios about returning to the temple of the seacreatures, which we had found on our journey along the northern beach from WMC in our first adventure together, after the major had thrown us out of WMC, and we agreed to go back... by IceforgePiron | 9-July-2019 | Logs |
Once again I felt the mayor giving me the stink eye and seeing as it was a matter of time before he would come up to me and Avarace and force us to leave town, I decided to find others heading out first, to avoid building up a bad relationship with the mayor. I...