Bonding Over A Brewery

Bonding Over A Brewery

DM: Calmseeker
Location: Play by Post
Date: August 1, 2021
Time: 02:00 UTC
Levels: 5-9
Risk: 6, Incapacitation likely. Death is a potential.

Defenders of Agriculture

Defenders of Agriculture

DM: Calmseeker
Location: Fantasy Grounds Unity
Date: July 29th, 2021
Time: 14:00 UTC
Levels: 1-4
Risk: 7. Death is likely.

The Gnoll Warcamp fortress

Participants:Nalkris the Eladrin, male, normal looking elf except the green-spring like colourations to his skin and hairAvarace, the Jetblack raven familiar granted to Nalkris for his service to the Raven Queen Leofyr – Tallish half-elf, male, wearing a pair of...