
Gnolledge is Power

DM: Seph
Date: 2022-06-29
Time: 18:00 UTC
Levels: 5-9
Risk: 0-11 (Accounting for human error)
Hex crawl into the weast of WMC.
For record keeping purposes, this is player organised session.

Happy Birthday Baby Girl

Happy Birthday Baby Girl

DM: Seph
Date: 2021-06-21
Time: 04:00 UTC
Levels: Sign up dependent
Risk: 0-11 (Accounting for human error)

Brand New Horizons

DM: Seph
Date: 2021-03-05
Time: 20:00 UTC
Location: FGC
Levels: 5-9
Risk: 5-9

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Mazikeen’ s Journal Entry (1)

DM:Seph Party:Leader: MazikeenPips (Mazikeen’s Familiar)Trailblazer: KaladinScout: LogainMarcusJardeis the dragonNuemu (Jardeis’s pet)Gray Mazikeen Wondered to her self was this the right place to search for the things she has been looking for four years...

New Year New Effort

DM: Seph
Date: 2021-01-26
Time: 9:00 UTC
Levels: 1-4 or 5-9 Depending on sign ups
Risk: 5-9

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