by Inmate13 | 26-August-2019 | Logs |
Mission report penned by Ugruk Stargazer Githenoshkira. Requests for further inquiry may be left at the Axe and Thistle. Background: During a previous incursion into the forest north of White Moon Cove, several members of the expedition encountered a tribe of grung... by Ramz-E (Vestrivan) | 23-August-2019 | Logs |
DM – DMG Players – Gork(Gork) Isaac(Abu) Iceforge(Nalkris) Inmate13(Stargazer) Mogul76(Aruarian) Ok(Mac) Ramz-E(Vestrivan) Skittle(Snipper) A group of adventurers heard about the frog people that had attacked me on my last outing and had contacted Nalkris...