by IceforgePiron | 24-May-2021 | Logs
DM: Calmseeker Nalkris, Spring Eladrin Servant of the Raven Queen and his raven familiar, AvaraceNuemu, Githyanki Bloodhunter and his friend, Jardeis the wyrmlingHorace, Half-elf Draconic Sorcerer Cleric of TempestCavendish, Aquatic Half-elf Cavalier HexbladeBalthier,... by IceforgePiron | 16-May-2021 | Logs
Kaladin The HalflingA Little taller than AverageGarGotJavelins on his back, ragged armorGritersSmall deep gnome with a large staff, a green glow surrounds and moves with himMurdrumHalf-elf guy, very slight tan, long white hair, grimson and black mage...