It wasn’t supposed to have been that messy….
Kingpin: Neal
Players: Unrest, Doc, Ike, Jack, Tempo, Mr. Clean, Keeper
It started in the war room. Briefing by Keeper at 1800 hours. Most of the faces I didn’t recognize. We had several pre-briefs and area studies but apparently most decided they weren’t necessary.
Odoath stepped out directly after. Smooth infil to designated theater. Ghost march to echo park was interrupted by surprise party. Sloppy work and indecision led to traces left behind but no casualties or assets burned. Call was made to adjust cycle and move under twilight cover. Echo park had decent activity by cozy forward. Transport was seen riding low, captured refugees onboard, headed south. Cozy forward was tired and ready to head home, 5 arms, nothing of interest. Down.
Odoath day two started mid burn. Heavy welcoming of gift packages, but no additional party goers. Park located north/ north east of echo park by eight. identified water side entrance quarter klick north of park gate. easy slip, recon begin.

One path, Y layout, west branch leads to another Y, south branch leads to unknown. West branch another Y. south west branch leads to unknown, south east leads to dam. past dam is original house. Cozy is not home. Found refugees with single set of cozy eyes. Tailor was identified as key target by Jack and approached for information. Tempo rung the bell, mission compromised. Tempo and Ike silenced cozy eyes, Doc secured far more refugees than intended, Ike secured Tailor, mission failed, Odoath returning with new adhoc directive.
Exfil was smooth. Journey home had no surprise parties. Two sets of cozy eyes were identified but not engaged. Odoath + 58 secured, no casualties.