by Elma | 30-April-2022 | Logs
I ain't scared of no armor! Our group of fine friends were:Free- A dwarf who’s toughness matched his skill with that whip. (Barbarian2/rogue1) (Played by : Le Count)Narsil- A wolfen familiar of some kind? Their fiendish fire was something that was very useful to... by Elma | 27-April-2022 | Logs
The whos and whats? Lugar- A plundering (Rouge 2) (Half-) elf of some kind. Nice guy, speaks goblin. I’d love to hunt for treasures with him any day. (Played by: Jamslog) Rattle- A nimble (Monk 3) and tweety bird (Kenku). The brains of the archaeologist group,...