Of Spiderwebs and Dust
DM: Waylander Shrieker (Dread Ambusher) played by KRGau (Little Fiery Druid) played by KonopaNog (Disciplined Hairy Bugbear) played by TrullhammerNahil (Entitled Sack of Dust) played by NealLysing (Gentle Giant-Souled) played by GeokhanNaal (Yours Truly) played by Mal...
Beneath our very shore
Session Title: Coastal ConstructionSession DM: krforget93Session Date : 11 Jan 2022 @ 02:00 UTCSession Risk : 8 (Multiple Deaths Likely) Characters: Twee (Goblinoid Gloomstalker 8/War Cleric 1/Fighter 1) (Played by RCB)Marcus Wellspring (Human Life Cleric 10) (Played...
The Reclamation
Now the rebuilding can begin.