
Log #5

Depthcaller, Emerion, Lysing, Nalkris, StitchesTater – Country Roads I beg your patience, both for the many words lacking in beauty and the stray marks on this page. As I teach Mitchon his letters I must teach myself what I do not know, and teach you of what...

Log #4

Leon, Pawe, Pyhora, StitchesGeokahn – Hunting Cultists The company I keep grows more and more strange, and our encounters stranger. I fear that by my autumn years I will have seen too much horror to tell and too little of what wonder the world holds. I will lay...

Log #3

Agatha, Depthcaller, Phyora, Stitches, TremereGeokhan – Corgis Cont. I have been told my records are looked upon as unkind for their form if not nature. It was not my wish to be unkind to others, only kind to myself. I now know there is an order to travels in...

Receipt #1 (Ander, Emerion, Koro Pyhora)

Ander, Emerion, Koro, Pyhora, StitchesGeokahn – Dire Corgis Mercies Bestowed: – 1 Guiding Bolt – 2 Healing Word – 1 Sanctuary – 1 Divine Intercession Mercies Received: – 1 RevivalA parcel of silver was divided amongst the group as...

Invoice #1 (Aram, Pyhora, Prime, Vahn)

Aram, Stitches, Pyhora, Prime, VahnGeokhan – Mines Mercies Bestowed: – 3 Guiding Bolt – 1 BlessThe group paid in full, and generously offered additional coin as ‘my share’. May they take care.- XX Addendum: I have been told my invoice is...