by SlyOkami | 21-August-2020 | Logs |
DM; DGM Party; Don, Ou-Kan, Glen, Oxalis, Cally, Tor, Yibble. Comrades speak of adventure past portal, adventure to new land. Portal Code; DRM. Don goes, Don arrives, Don does not thrive. Boggy swamp, damp swamp. Don does not like swamp. Don find tracks, tracks go by... by SlyOkami | 4-April-2020 | Logs |
DM: GeoKhan Dexter, Dewide, Clawe, Kavor, Theris, Black by SlyOkami | 26-March-2020 | Logs |
DM; GeoKhan Leading a party of both new-comers and adventurers far more experienced that myself. I, Xell, lead Taishina, Theris, Kavor, Sixer and Sender to find out where the Gnolls had set up their camp site. Having read of adventurers having gone out to do the same,... by SlyOkami | 26-March-2020 | Logs |
DM; Neal Trial of Tears/Quest to kill the Okami Joined by Tehran, Glen, Theris, Kavor and Freyja, we set off with Yarsby to guard his caravan of merchandise heading from WMC to Ruined Oak. On the way out of WMC, I noticed a strange fellow following us in the skies, a... by SlyOkami | 20-March-2020 | Logs |
A strong scent of herbs and greenery reaches you as you unfold the log, painted black then went over with a light green ink seemingly made from some plant. My first expedition upon this new land, my first excursion to the wilds I sought. Two humans, David Smith, and...