by Tootired78 | 10-November-2021 | Logs
Tl;dr: A group of adventurers help a young woman try to find her missing mother and sister. Sadly the mother was killed in a coach accident, and her ghost was captured for the use by a cult. The sister was saved by some lizardmen and they had a happy reunion... by Tootired78 | 4-November-2021 | Logs
Tl;dr: Group of adventurers go clear the Blackfoot Inn of a black kobold presence. On the return journey they investigate some missing pumpkins, leading to a fight with the dangerous Pumpkin Lord. All adventurers survived. Future Adventure Notes:•The kobold presence... by Tootired78 | 29-October-2021 | Logs
Tl;dr: Some Four-Armed Ape Bandits mug a group of adventurers, who trail them back to their primitive constructed home to retrieve their wizard’s belongings, killing the apes in the process. Many apes harmed in the process of this adventure. Future Adventure... by Tootired78 | 28-September-2021 | Logs
Tl;dr: A Hunting Retreat has been opened at Port Mirandia. All party members survived. Future Adventure Notes:•Land sharks can jump higher the ten feet off the ground.•The goblin village southwest of Port Mirandia all but destroyed. An Infernal creature of some kind... by Tootired78 | 25-September-2021 | Logs
Tl;dr: A third node at The Forge Citadel area was successfully ritually cleansed. All party members survived. Future Adventure Notes:•The dwarves continue to add items to their shops at Fort Custer •The node at A-4 was ritually cleansed. •The cold in the A-4 area...