by Tootired78 | 6-April-2022 | Logs
Tl;dr: The completion of the fort at Ruined Oak required some scarlet velvet, which was acquired by adventurers from Vampire Earl Sitaris, in exchange for helping him cleanse an ancient temple of a continuously returning foe. Future Adventure Notes:•The fort at Ruined... by Tootired78 | 1-April-2022 | Logs
Tl;dr: A second group from Ruined Oak was sent with seasoned workers to finish a partially completed outpost, with success. Future Adventure Notes:•The outpost southeast of Ruined Oak is complete.•Wyverns are bothering centaurs from the Wise Hoof Clan and giant eagles... by Tootired78 | 1-April-2022 | Logs
Tl;dr: A group of adventurers from Ruined Oak go to protect workers building an outpost southeast. A moment of kindness brought about the death of many workers. Future Adventure Notes:•Raving madmen should probably not be given shelter that is within thirty feet of... by Tootired78 | 25-March-2022 | Logs
Tl;dr After some beachcombing for information about the Red Elk clan, adventurers go help sweep out some gnoll intruders at the Red Brick Fort east of White Moon Cove. Future Adventure Notes:•Found some notes, one regarding the Red Elk clan.•Gnoll and cultist forces... by Tootired78 | 21-March-2022 | Logs
Tl;dr: Adventurers from AFK continue the very dangerous progress working through a massive undead filled crypt below a cultist enclave. Future Adventure Notes:•There is a golden key in the crypt, that will open something, only one something. A choice is required. Also...