by IceforgePiron | 5-November-2019 | Logs |
DM: Adalyn Group Members:Leon Die’re and his owl (Lloyd)Vestrivan, a tabaxi (Ramz-E)Lera, a dragon-born (Servana Smol Wyvern Hat)Nalkris the Eladrin and his trusty jet-black raven Avarice Sergeant Gilleye wanted us to venture to the Kobolds in the Tempest... by Ramz-E (Vestrivan) | 18-September-2019 | Logs |
GM – Adalyn Players – Iceforge(Nalkris), Lloyd(Leon), Servana(Lera), Ramz-E(Vestrivan) I decided to take up Sergeant Gilleye up on his Kobold mission and decided to join some fellow adventures and see what we could do. My companions for this adventure...