by Ramz-E (Vestrivan) | 30-July-2019 | Logs |
DM – Adalyn, Vestrivan, Gorstag, Rael, Piper, Zak I hooked up with a new party of adventures, along with Rael, who I had a previous outing with. We decided to head to the north of the White Cove Bay, since I had been part of the group that had previously... by Chuckles | 28-July-2019 | Logs |
I came down from my room after manufacturing my new turret based off of my miniature and waited for the other members of today’s mission to arrive. After awhile we had all assembled with Khora leading the group. The rest of the party consisted of Piper, Douglas,... by IceforgePiron | 20-July-2019 | Logs |
Nalkris meet up with old friends, Khora and Oogway, and with some new friends, Piper, Snoog and Reb Reb is a tired old man, but says we can rely on him to take the blows in the front, hitting them back hard with his swordKhora, as usual the blueskinned merfolk girl...