by Waylander322 | 3-February-2021 | Logs
DM: @DGM Players: Amber (Cleric 4) [Nick @NdBvDn] Ander (Paladin 3) [@Waylander322] Gray (Rogue 3) [@Lone_Courier] Nuemu (Bloodhunter 3) [@Nartzim] Marcus (Cleric 4) [@Genthro1] Blue-Star (Monk 2) [@Blue Star] Day 1: We are heading out of Port Mirandia traveling down... by TheGrimAuditor | 16-December-2019 | Logs |
The Voyage has concluded and I have landed at White Moon Cove, I have made the journey to this supposed hellish land in the pursuit of research into the enhancement of my magical arts. It was a tough decision to make leaving my former Militia, but after being cooped...