
Visit to Grackisturgh – Contextualization

DM: GeokhanLeader: Twee | 8 Ranger | RCBGriters | 9 Wizard | WadeBalthier |9 Rogue | KonopaHorace | 2 Cleric, 6 Sorcerer| Mountain LordKaladin | 5 Cleric | ChrusTaishina | 6 Paladin | Destrina “While Griters is great at collecting information, sometimes he can...

Log #4

Leon, Pawe, Pyhora, StitchesGeokahn – Hunting Cultists The company I keep grows more and more strange, and our encounters stranger. I fear that by my autumn years I will have seen too much horror to tell and too little of what wonder the world holds. I will lay...