
Of Frogs and Foliage

DM: DGM Players: Zak, Chalie, Dorro, Nalkris, Timmy, Vestrivan Day 1: The first day of travel northward seemed very uneventful, as we moved towards the Neathy Wood. Night 1: Our night watches went by fairly uneventfully, save for the last watch, during which a group...

Kobolds, ruffians and goo

DM: KCPlayers: Mal, Isaac, Mutis, Fridgeus, Martijn, Ramz-E Left WMC.Uneventful march.Hunted down some game for some rations.Discussed mild battle tactics/formation.Gorstag performed some eldritch ritual on his zombie.Shamsiel spotted humanoids moving by the road...

Of Cultists and Cowardice

Day 1 The first day was fairly uneventful, as the party moved northeast in search of some floating lights.  Night 1 The first night was uneventful for the first half, but we were woken by the sound of rushing water. When investigated, we found a perfectly...