Party: Leofyr, IronAle, Rake (Snails), Tramenor and Slayer
DM: Neal

I rushed forward and pulled him free, but it grappled me moments later! It started hitting and crushing us doing crazy damage! Tramenor used his connection to Eldath to charm the creature making it peaceful to us for one minute. Seeing water flood the cave and the deadly creature only being friendly temporarily, we decided to leave. There being no evidence of the crew leads me to believe that this creature killed them all.
On our way home we encountered bodies burnt on a funeral pyre. We also camped somewhere where two camps had been previously set. We were awoken at dawn by IronAle playing an inspiring tune on the bagpipes and calling us to arms.
On the bridge we saw a bear corpse with an hourglass next to it. It was half empty.. Duri warned us of the dangerous black raven totems and the angry barbarians that defended them.