Chronicles of the Kitty Tackler (oh, and orcs! Oh! And giants too)
Kaladin The HalflingA Little taller than AverageGarGotJavelins on his back, ragged armorGritersSmall deep gnome with a large staff, a green glow surrounds and moves with himMurdrumHalf-elf guy, very slight tan, long white hair, grimson and black mage...Defeat to the Honorable Lord of Sorrow Mountains
Nalkris + Avarace, the most fantastic Raven in the world along with a Eladrin Servant of the Raven Queen (Warlock)Jub – Good with bugs and trees, and he will help and kill us, and cook for us, nice fellah.Don – Short wood-elf in armor, she has scrolls as...Meeting Iris – And the other-dimensional cultist below
Lysing – Huge fancy Goliath with a fancy greathammer on his back Sammal – Half-elf of drow decendt, looks like he spend a lot of time indoors due to complexion, looks like his backpack is brand-new “buy all your need”-backpack kit, a court...Dwarves, Underdark and Puzzles, oh sweet sweet puzzles!
A journey to the underdark lead to a series of puzzles to challenge the mind, left behind by someone for unknown purposes, but a real challenge of the mind