
A case of furious leeches

Party: Nalkris and Avarace Jub the Goblin Xenon the Archer Eddings the halfling Bard Britney the Kenku with an Ox called Toxic Tohil Swift Firey redheaded and bearded dwarf greeted us at the Jubjub strip mine, asking if we was from the Cove. This turned out to be...

Pirates, Cultists and Evaa

Group members:Fiver, a energetic and lively spry Kobold who seemed to have powers granted to her by an otherworld entity like myself (Shadelett)Kevudim, a stout dwarf (Dazz)Abal, the rather young and tall dwarf with the good armor and flail I had travelled with before...

(OLD) The Crevice of Tsaran

Group members: Tom Striker, a fresh arrival, a tracker who could use some work, human male ranger (OConnor)Silver of Argos, a scholar in along dusty robe with a friendly young face and red hair, a quarterstaff tied to his backpack, a pretty big book; Fitting as he...