by Johnny2Cs | 20-October-2020 | Logs |
DM: TsiParty: Ivo, Gaven, Saoch, Twiks, Tuzok Uh, sorry if this comes off a bit rambly; first log I’ve written here. Just came aboard the island here and and wanted to help with the Gnoll War. We heard there was some strange activity over by the large strange... by Johnny2Cs | 16-October-2020 | Logs |
DM: TamPlayers: Tingork, Eight, Quil, Scritch, Don, Olivia Scritch has been doing his best to make Uncle Katashaka proud in the fight against those dirty stinky furball Gnolls. Today was no different. We heard reports of Gnolls and their filthy companions to the... by Johnny2Cs | 12-October-2020 | Logs |
Scritch has never been apart of something so crazy in his whole 7 years of life! We heard the Bloodeye Clan was going to be under attack following the Gnoll’s attempt to gain control of the major crossroads to the north. We couldn’t upset Uncle Katashaka... by Johnny2Cs | 21-September-2020 | Logs |
by Johnny2Cs | 21-September-2020 | Logs |
Scritches Scratches Vol.1 (Venture Into the...