
Gardening with Don, The Witchknight, Episode 2

The Squad: 5-9 DM: Calmseeker Zerdan – Scout Zugall – Leader Balthier – Cartographer Don – Portable hospital Bardy – Trailblazer Marcus – Portable hospital Griters – Griters The Path: Location of Outpost Tarnation We began at...

Dead By Don – The Hunt for the Winter Wraith

Players: DM: Geokhan Saturday, March 13th, 18:00 UTC 5-9 Session We began the march from Port Mirandia, immediately pausing outside the town as we noticed a digsite. Finding footprints, we followed them to the shore north east where we found a craig perfect for hiding...

Gardening with Don, the Witchknight, Episode 1

The Squad: DM: Calmseeker Leader: Glanfath Scout: Twee Trailblazer: Bardy Cartographer: Twee Chronicler: Don The path The day was chilly but not quite branching into winter yet. The wind blew us west today, on a diplimatic bark to the forest of thorns. We sought out...

A Survivor of DOF’s log

DM: DGM Party: Don, Glen, Inti, Ou-kan, Till, Snowball Elapsed Time: 12 hours, 40 minutes. Start time: 13:00 UTC. September 13th, 2020. This mission is unsanctioned by AFK and solely was an exploratory expedition by us few who joined. …Don will, leave efficiency,...

Cats, Dogs, Trex and Barbie Beads

DM; Neal Party; Don, Samara, Umbrys, Khaos, Oxalis, Inti And smokey lit otter Otto. Don go out to another portal, Don not remember code, North West of Port Mirandia. Don lead this time, others think it good idea, Don did too, Don now think bad idea. Don lead party...