by SlyOkami | 15-March-2020 | Logs |
The greatest bard that ever graced the greats! DM; Geokhan After my less than acceptable encounter with the Gnoll warforce, I plunged myself into research, putting plots together from log after log after log… Now I cannot confirm all of it, but my theory is that... by SlyOkami | 8-March-2020 | Logs |
Dm; Neal The greatest bard that ever graced the greats! My favourite silver scaled lizard and many of us were wandering Oak Town’s farmer market when a guard whether through luck or mishap just happened on Valorean, begging for his help. Ever the hero, the... by SlyOkami | 8-March-2020 | Logs |
Dm; Geokhan The greatest Bard that ever graced the greats! Leading my companions, Nan(Babushka), green man Sender and mounted lizard Valoerean, onto a fairly simple mission, we set off with grace and great ideals pushing us forth down the road! You see dear reader,...