by Neal | 30-August-2020 | Logs |
I’m so tired.
by Neal | 19-May-2020 | Logs |
Nothing to see. Go about your business.
by Neal | 11-May-2020 | Logs |
The Key is the key to the key of the mission!
by Neal | 5-May-2020 | Logs | “I’ve had good ideas… this wasn’t one of them.” -Eddings An amazing painter once said that “We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents.” He was apparently full of... by Neal | 27-April-2020 | Log of the Week, Logs |
DM: NealPlayers: Kage, Qarlynd, Mal, MrEd, Geokhan,BushelOfKittensTo whomever reads these things anyway,From Tohil,We were requested to help in the road building effort, so we set out with a crew of some folks, namely:-Rig-Valorean-Cade-Lysing-Myself...