by Tootired78 | 26-June-2021 | Logs
Tl;dr: A group of adventurers are tasked with guarding some of Port Mirandia’s workers while they work on a road to the southwest. They fight an ogre, some bugbears, some bandits, some hydras, some ghasts and lastly a young white dragon. Surprisingly, all the... by Tootired78 | 19-June-2021 | Logs
Tl;dr: Those darn adventurers just can’t stop exploring the ZHT area. Their intent to follow a trail was thwarted by a massive blizzard, so instead they just kept on surveying the Frozen Forest. Things of interest include a stone shrine, a frozen lake, an... by Tootired78 | 17-June-2021 | Logs
Tl;dr: Some of our adventurers decided it would be a good idea to survey the newly discovered ZHT portal region. This group decided to go west. They found some abandoned homes, and the edge of the icy forest, beyond which was a forest in the full bloom of spring.... by Tootired78 | 15-June-2021 | Logs
Tl;dr: Honest to goodness y’all there is an entrance to the Underdark near the goblin village southwest of Port Mirandia. Some of our adventurers trekked all the way down just to make sure. They “talked” with some myconids, and fought a few hooked... by Tootired78 | 14-June-2021 | Logs
Tl;dr: Adventurers from Ruined Oak set out seeking signs of an ancient city. They were instead found by purple wurms, and rocs, and two different roving bands of machine riding desert nomads. They learned there is a tribal war of sorts occurring in the region...