
The Fountain of Aging, dead. Too soon.

Tl;dr: A group of adventurers sought out the Fountain of Aging across the mountains to the southwest of Port Mirandia. After finding it they disenchanted and then destroyed said fountain. Will there be repercussions? We will find out. Future Adventure Notes:•The...

Notes, notes and more notes.

Tl;dr : Adventurers from Port Mirandia successfully stop the awakening of a terrible Archmage by undead cultists in the Crypt of the Altist. Many notes were read. Future Adventure Notes:•Tons of lore to read•Blood King is a bad bad guy, imprisoned in a blood-coloured...

Creepier than a River of Blood… a Statue of Blood!

Tl;dr: A shrine to Morius was cleansed but the Urital cultists who desecrated it are still in the temple beyond. Future Adventure Notes:•The temple has yet to be cleared out of Urital cultists. A golden necklace with a spirit bound inside was found and is used as a...

The Four Days of Bridge Building.

Tl;dr: On the fourth day of bridge building, the fates gave to us : Four safe worker swarms. Three rounds of worm fight. Two magic-users, and a slaving bugbear warband. Future Adventure Notes :•A Bridge has been completed by an outpost southeast of Ruined Oak.•The...

Rumcaps and Boomshrooms

TL;dr: A group of adventurers try to find a Winery, discover that it is moving in time and space. They save a deposed fey Queen from some fey hirelings who wanted more money. Then nearly get lost in an enchanted forest, then encounter Garden of Flowers, who imparted...